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FYI Prepaid version 6.0

In essence this draft adds One-Time Charging.

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts

Title : Prepaid Extensions to Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
Author(s) : A. Lior
Filename : draft-lior-radius-prepaid-extensions-06.txt
Pages : 53
Date : 2004-10-25
This draft presents an extension to the Remote Authentication Dial-
In User Service (RADIUS) protocol to support charging for prepaid 
services. The charging models supported are namely: volume-based 
charging, duration-based charging and one-time-based charging.
A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Avi Lior
Bridgewater Systems Corp.
Phone: 613.591.9104 x 6417
Cell   : 613.297.2177

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