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Re: [Geopriv]: Another review of the geopriv radius location attributes draft

> ==> How does the AAA server instruct the access network to send location
> information attributes within the new Access-Request? Is there any
> specific attribute in the COA indicating that the location information
> is requested? Or do you assume that any Access-Request sent by the NAS
> will contain the location information attribute and so case 1 and 2 are
> the same?

RFC 3576 does not use attributes in the CoA-Request in order to request
attributes in a subsequent Access-Request.  Nor does it make sense to
include location attributes in a CoA-Request.  The session to which the
CoA applies is not selected using location attributes, nor is the request
that the NAS change its location -- "Please move NAS17483 to Cleveland,

> ==> Is there a way for the AAA server to indicate to the access network
> that the request failed because the location information is missing?

See RFC 3576 Error-Cause attribute, value 402 (Missing Attribute)

> ==> Is it so sure that NAS is always the source of location information?
> Couldn't we have scenarios where the location information is added by
> the RADIUS proxy in the visited network, because the NAS is not able to
> retrieve the user's location for instance?

This seems quite likely, in fact.

> ==> (1) I don't understand the end of this paragraph! What kind of user
> location are you referring to here? Whatever the precision and the
> nature of the location information, the location of the user could
> always be returned to the home network. Maybe you are talking about the
> location of the user's end point (which could be far away from the NAS)?

I was confused about this as well.

> ==> What is the meaning of the fourth value? How could it be possible to
> have less than the NAS or the visited RADIUS location information?

I don't understand this either.

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