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RE: backwards compatible introduction of NEW attribute such as CUI

Hi David, all

Revisiting this issue ...

> > > Error-Cause attribute [RFC3576] with value 402 (decimal), 
> "Missing 
> > > Attribute".
> > 
> > DBN:  Would it be preferable to create a new value of 
> > Error-Cause to more specifically describe the 
> > incompatibility?  While Missing-CUI might be too specific, 
> > Missing Attribute is quite broad.
> > 

One possibility is to add a new value indicating Missing-CUI-Support to Error-Cause attribute defined in RFC3576.   We most likely need to define specific values for other attributes (e.g., RADIUS location attributes) as Lothar pointed out.  Another possibility is to use the error-code defined in draft-zorn-radius-err-msg-01.txt.  But, The draft is not a WG item so and I am not sure if we can use it for our purpose at this point.   What is your thought on this?


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