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Re: Summary: RADIUS Attribute Hiding

Bernard Aboba wrote:
Since there have been some questions relating to the security of RADIUS
attribute hiding mechanisms, I thought I'd post a summary of RADIUS
attribute hiding mechanisms, describing their vulnerabilities in more

First, some background on the Request and Response Authenticators and the
shared secret.

RFC 2865 Section 3 on the Request Authenticator:

         In Access-Request Packets, the Authenticator value is a 16
         octet random number, called the Request Authenticator.  The
         value SHOULD be unpredictable and unique over the lifetime of a
         secret (the password shared between the client and the RADIUS
         server), since repetition of a request value in conjunction
         with the same secret would permit an attacker to reply with a
         previously intercepted response.  Since it is expected that the
         same secret MAY be used to authenticate with servers in
         disparate geographic regions, the Request Authenticator field
         SHOULD exhibit global and temporal uniqueness.

         The Request Authenticator value in an Access-Request packet
         SHOULD also be unpredictable, lest an attacker trick a server
         into responding to a predicted future request, and then use the
         response to masquerade as that server to a future Access-

Section 3 also defines the RADIUS Response Authenticator:

ResponseAuth = MD5(Code+ID+Length+RequestAuth+Attributes+Secret)

[BA] In practice, maintaining global and temporal uniqueness over the
lifetime of a shared secret is a tall order.  Some NAS devices do not
have sufficient entropy on boot to provide temporal uniqueness.  When
the same shared secret is used across dozens or even thousands of
devices (a common deployment scenario), global and temporal uniqueness
can become very difficult to satisfy.  In retrospect, it would have made
more sense to mix a globally unique quantity (such as NAS-Identifier
or NAS-IP-Address) in subsequent calculations, including in the
Response Authenticator, so as to make global uniqueness more likely.

Here is what RFC 2865, Section 3 has to say about the shared secret:

      The secret (password shared between the client and the RADIUS
      server) SHOULD be at least as large and unguessable as a well-
      chosen password.  It is preferred that the secret be at least 16
      octets.  This is to ensure a sufficiently large range for the
      secret to provide protection against exhaustive search attacks.
      The secret MUST NOT be empty (length 0) since this would allow
      packets to be trivially forged.

[BA] At IETF60, we discussed the consequences of violating this
prescription, namely that the Response Authenticator becomes subject
to dictionary attack.

The encryption algorithm for the User-Password attribute is described in
RFC 2865, Section 5.1:

      Call the shared secret S and the pseudo-random 128-bit Request
      Authenticator RA.  Break the password into 16-octet chunks p1, p2,
      etc.  with the last one padded at the end with nulls to a 16-octet
      boundary.  Call the ciphertext blocks c(1), c(2), etc.  We'll need
      intermediate values b1, b2, etc.

         b1 = MD5(S + RA)       c(1) = p1 xor b1
         b2 = MD5(S + c(1))     c(2) = p2 xor b2
                .                       .
                .                       .
                .                       .
         bi = MD5(S + c(i-1))   c(i) = pi xor bi

      The String will contain c(1)+c(2)+...+c(i) where + denotes

[BA] Note that the first block of the keystream b1 is based solely on the
shared secret and the Request Authenticator, and does not include any
NAS-specific information (e.g. NAS-Identifier or  NAS-IP-Address).
Thus, if the Request Authenticator is not temporally and globally
unique for a given shared secret, the keystream will repeat.

This can be exploited in a number of ways.  When two identical Response
Authenticators are found on the same NAS, or on two different NASes that
are known to share the same secret S,  the ciphertexts can be XOR'd
yielding the XOR of the first clearext password blocks.  This can assist
an attacker in guessing the user passwords; once those are determined
the keystream b1 is also known.

Another way is via a known-plaintext attack, where an attacker attempts
authentication with password p, and then collects the ciphertext c,
allowing the keystream b to be calculated.  If the Request
Authenticator ever repeats, the attacker can use the known value of b1 and
the c1 collected from the User-Password attribute to calculate the first
16 octets of the password p1.

Note that both of these attacks do not require the attacker to compromise
the password S.

RFC 2548, Section 2.4.2: MS-MPPE-Send-Key

         Call the shared secret S, the pseudo-random 128-bit Request
         Authenticator (from the corresponding Access-Request packet) R,
         and the contents of the Salt field A.  Break P into 16 octet
         chunks p(1), p(2)...p(i), where i = len(P)/16.  Call the
         ciphertext blocks c(1), c(2)...c(i) and the final ciphertext C.
         Intermediate values b(1), b(2)...c(i) are required.  Encryption
         is performed in the following manner ('+' indicates

      b(1) = MD5(S + R + A)    c(1) = p(1) xor b(1)   C = c(1)
      b(2) = MD5(S + c(1))     c(2) = p(2) xor b(2)   C = C + c(2)
                  .                      .
                  .                      .
                  .                      .
      b(i) = MD5(S + c(i-1))   c(i) = p(i) xor b(i)   C = C + c(i)

      The   resulting   encrypted   String   field    will    contain

   On receipt, the process is reversed to yield the plaintext String.

[BA] In the situation where a known plaintext attack has been carried out and the keystream b1=MD5 (S + R) has been determined, the above salt construction does not help much, since the MD5 calculation can be continued using the salt field A, which is sent in the clear. Therefore, an attacker can determine the first 16 octets of the Tunnel-Password, using the calculated keystream b1'=MD5(S + R + A).

I believe the original motivation for the salt was to make it difficult for dictionary attacks and to also prevent breaking multiple keys if any one of the passwords was guessed.

This is because of the simple XOR properties and since C1 is the same for multiple passwords included in the same packer (as would be necessary for multiple tunnel profiles). An attacker breaking one password could get all the others without knowing the shared secret. Or atleast get the first sixteen bytes of the password.

C1 xor P1 = X1; X1 xor P1 = C1
C1 xor P2 = X2; X2 xor C1 = P2

If P1 is guessed then P2 is simple to crack as C1 is simply X1 xor P1 and since X1 and X2 are included in the packet P2 is the only unknown in the second equation.

Known plaintext attacks can pretty much defeat any algorithm out there. Unless we start mandating quantum cryptography :)


The real question is, how easy it is to launch a known plaintext attack considering you need to be part of the control path to capture packets. Probably possible in roaming environments.


RFC 2868, Section 3.5: Tunnel-Password

         Call the shared secret S, the pseudo-random 128-bit Request
         Authenticator (from the corresponding Access-Request packet) R,
         and the contents of the Salt field A.  Break P into 16 octet
         chunks p(1), p(2)...p(i), where i = len(P)/16.  Call the
         ciphertext blocks c(1), c(2)...c(i) and the final ciphertext C.
         Intermediate values b(1), b(2)...c(i) are required.  Encryption
         is performed in the following manner ('+' indicates

            b(1) = MD5(S + R + A)    c(1) = p(1) xor b(1)   C = c(1)
            b(2) = MD5(S + c(1))     c(2) = p(2) xor b(2)   C = C + c(2)
                        .                      .
                        .                      .
                        .                      .
            b(i) = MD5(S + c(i-1))   c(i) = p(i) xor b(i)   C = C + c(i)

         The resulting encrypted String field will contain

      On receipt, the process is reversed to yield the plaintext String.

[BA] The Tunnel-Password attribute utilizes the same construction as the
MS-MPPE-Send-Key attribute, and therefore has the same weakness.


In order to prevent forgeries and keystream recovery, RADIUS requires that
the Request Authenticator be globally and temporally unique.  However,
in practice implemenations and deployments often do not satisfy this
requirement.  Due to deficiencies in the construction of the Response
Authenticator and attribute hiding algorithms, the problem is magnified.

To address these problems, future attribute hiding algorithms would be
wise to do one or more of the following:

a. Utilize a well-analyzed keywrap mechanism based on a block cipher,
   rather than the add-hoc stream ciphers used in RADIUS.

b. Mix in NAS-specific attributes into the calculation, ensuring global

c. Utilize randomness from two parties (RADIUS client + RADIUS server).
   A minimum of 128-bit nonces are recommended.

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