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Re: New Technical Issues RE: WG last call in progress on VLAN/Priority Draft
On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 12:47:17PM -0500, Avi Lior wrote:
> Also I resent somewhat the push now is so much that it ignores what we
> did a two years ago. Based on discussion it was Jari who proposed
> encoding RADIUS attributes using Diameter syntax (I seem to recall that
> one of you guys were taking credit for that).
Just so we're clear, Alan did not "take" credit for it. I assigned
credit to him because that's how I first heard the idea, and indeed
a search of radext archives shows email from him suggesting it in
Feb 2005. But of course, if you or Jari (or anyone) can point me to
a prior discussion of the idea of using the Diameter attribute header
format, I will be glad to correct the acknowledgment.
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