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RE: Filter Separation using a NULL?

See below...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-radiusext@ops.ietf.org 
> [mailto:owner-radiusext@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf Of Bernard Aboba
> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 6:32 AM
> To: openradius-radextwg@e-advies.nl; radiusext@ops.ietf.org
> Subject: Filter Separation using a NULL? 
>       The NAS-Filter-Rule attribute is not intended to be used
>       concurrently with any other filter rule attribute, including
>       Filter-Id (11) and NAS-Traffic-Rule [Traffic] attributes, and
>       SHOULD NOT appear in the same RADIUS packet.  If a Filter-Id

Can we be stronger and state MUST NOT instead of SHOULD NOT on the mixture
of NAS-Traffic-Rule and NAS-Filter-Rule?  If we stick with SHOULD NOT, then
what is the expected behavior of the NAS when both appear?

RADIUS packet or RADIUS message?  I thought the right term was message.

>       attribute is present, then implementations of this specification
>      MUST silently discard NAS-Filter-Rule attributes, if present.
>       The String field is one or more octets.  It contains 
> filter rules
>       in the IPFilterRule syntax defined in [RFC3588] Section 
> 4.3, with
>       filter rules separated by a NULL (0x00).  A robust 
> implementation
>       SHOULD support the field as undistinguished octets.

The current wording of "...filter rules separated by a NULL" makes it sound
like multiple rules can be put in within a single NAS-Filter-Id attribute.
Is this the case?  If not, consider instead the wording "filter rules
terminated by a NULL (0x00)" and stating that the start of a new rule should
always use an additional attribute.


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