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Proposed Resolution to RFC 4590bis Issue 206

The text of Issue 206 is enclosed below. The proposed resolution is as follows:

Change Section 5 to the following:

"5.  Table of Attributes

  The following table provides a guide to which attributes may be found
  in which kinds of packets, and in what quantity.

  | Req | Accept | Reject | Challenge | #   | Attribute               |
  | 1   | 0      | 0      | 0         | 1   | User-Name               |
  | 1   | 1      | 1      | 1         | 80  | Message-Authenticator   |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 103 | Digest-Response         |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 1         | 104 | Digest-Realm            |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 1         | 105 | Digest-Nonce            |
  | 0   | 0-1    | 0      | 0         | 106 | Digest-Response-Auth    |
  |     |        |        |           |     | (see Note 1, 2)         |
  | 0   | 0-1    | 0      | 0         | 107 | Digest-Nextnonce        |
  | 1   | 0      | 0      | 0         | 108 | Digest-Method           |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 109 | Digest-URI              |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0+        | 110 | Digest-Qop              |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0-1       | 111 | Digest-Algorithm (see   |
  |     |        |        |           |     | Note 3)                 |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 112 | Digest-Entity-Body-Hash |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 113 | Digest-CNonce           |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 114 | Digest-Nonce-Count      |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 115 | Digest-Username         |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0-1       | 116 | Digest-Opaque           |
  | 0+  | 0+     | 0      | 0+        | 117 | Digest-Auth-Param       |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 118 | Digest-AKA-Auts         |
  | 0   | 0      | 0      | 0+        | 119 | Digest-Domain           |
  | 0   | 0      | 0      | 0-1       | 120 | Digest-Stale            |
  | 0   | 0-1    | 0      | 0         | 121 | Digest-HA1 (see Note 1, |
  |     |        |        |           |     | 2)                      |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 0         | 122 | SIP-AOR                 |
  | 0-1 | 0      | 0      | 1         |  24 | State (see Note 4)      |

                                    Table 1

  [Note 1] Digest-HA1 MUST be used instead of Digest-Response-Auth if
  Digest-Qop is 'auth-int'.

  [Note 2] Digest-Response-Auth MUST be used instead of Digest-HA1 if
  Digest-Qop is 'auth'.

  [Note 3] If Digest-Algorithm is missing, 'MD5' is assumed.

  [Note 4] An Access-Challenge MUST contain a State attribute, which is
  copied to the subsequent Access-Request.  A server receiving an
  Access-Request that contains a State attribute MUST respond with
  either an Access-Accept or an Access-Reject; the server MUST NOT
  respond with an Access-Challenge."

Issue 206: Attribute Table
Submitter name: Alan DeKok
Submitter email address: aland@nitros9.org
Date first submitted: Sept. 26, 2006
Reference: https://ops.ietf.org/lists/radiusext/2006/msg00870.html
Document: RFC 4590
Comment type: Technical
Priority: S
Section: 5
Rationale/Explanation of issue:

The body text, and examples in Section 6 appear to indicate that at
least Digest-Method is required in every Access-Request.  Yet in
Section 5, the Table of Attributes indicates that no Digest attributes
are required in an Access-Request packet.

I first ran into this issue when I was looking at an implementation of
RFC 4590, and wanted to enforce the requirement that the
Message-Authenticator attribute must appear in every packet
implementing Digest authentication.  If the server sends an
Access-Accept or Access-Challenge packet with Digest attributes, it is
simple to determine that the Message-Authenticator must be included in
the packet.

However, for Access-Request, there appears to be no way to determine
if the request is, in fact a request for Digest authentication,
because there is no requirement that any Digest attributes exist in
the Access-Request.

Reading Section 1.3, the paragraph at the top of page 6 seems to
indicate that a Digest-Method is always sent in an Access-Request.
Other text in the document also indicates that the first
Access-Request always contains a Digest-Method attribute.

It may be that Digest-Method does NOT have to appear in Access-Request
if the Access-Request is in response to an Access-Challenge, but this
is not clear from the text.  My recommendation is to make
Digest-Method required in the Access-Request, which simplifies
implementation.  It also appears that this requirement is the intent
in RFC 4590, because all of the examples have Digest-Method in every

I also have noted that none of the Access-Challenges in the examples
contain a State attribute, and the State attribute is not mentioned
anywhere in RFC 4590.  That indicates to me that the Access-Request in
response to an Access-Challenge MUST contain sufficient information to
finish the authentication process, and have the server return either
Access-Accept or Access-Reject.  The alternative is for the server to
repeatedly challenge the client, which does not appear to be the

That says to me that the Access-Challenge MUST contain a State
attribute, which is copied to the subsequent Access-Request.  The
server MUST respond with either an Access-Accept or Access-Reject to
an Access-Request that contains a State attribute.  The server MUST
NOT respond with Access-Challenge to an Access-Request that contains a
State attribute.

I believe that may be another issue.

Requested change:

Update the Table of Attributes as follows:

  | 1   | 0      | 0      | 0         | 108 | Digest-Method           |

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