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Re: REMINDER: RADEXT WG Last call on "Extended RADIUS Attributes"

David B. Nelson wrote:
> I think this would introduce a new, non-backwards-compatible requirement.
> Today, RADIUS requires that attributes of the same type not be re-ordered in
> the PDU, e.g. by proxies. There is no such requirement for attributes of
> differing types.

  That's not *quite* what I meant.

  What I meant was interspersing attributes of disparate types.  I'm not
aware of any implementation that does this (e.g. for EAP-Message).  But
I've learned to be paranoid about RADIUS specifications.

>>   What does "Foo(0,4)" mean?
> I suppose it means the TLV with Type Code 4, assigned within the IETF
> allocation, i.e. Attribute 26, Vendor-ID 0.

  Nope.  Read the rest of the doc.  It means "octets 0 through 4 of
attribute Foo".

> There is a long-standing typographical tradition of listing attributes as
> Attribute-Name (##).


[ struct ]
>>   What syntax is this?
> Pseudo-code?  Maybe actually using ANSI C would be more universal.  I think
> the RADIUS data types are not a good way to express this concept, as
> witnessed by confusion in various drafts over the years. 

  I'm just asking for a definition of the terminology and concepts
referred to in the draft.  What's an "Integer", or a "String"?  Do these
relate to C definitions?  RADIUS?

> How is that different from good coding guidelines for *any* implementation
> of *any* protocol?  What about the on-the-wire protocol involved raises
> these risks?

  Er... nothing.

>> 9.  Open Issues
>>    What is the numbering scheme for attributes that will be used by RFC
>>    writers going forward?  For example today we write user-name(1).
>>   Uh... We do?
> Yes, we do.  I can cite numerous examples.


  Alan DeKok.

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