Automated Key Management:
Well... RADIUS certainly requires only O(n) keys, but on the other hand, the amount of data encrypted with a single key is not necessarily small (when considering the "value of the data" and time aspects -- in terms of gigabytes, it's probably small compared to what decent algorithms can handle).
And if you anyway support negotiating the algorithms (in the protocol), generating a fresh session key may not be that much extra effort, and may be needed anyway since the key can depend on the selected algorithm (if you negotiate 256-bit AES, you need a 256-bit key; if it's 3DES, 168 bits, etc.). And the solutions should avoid using the same cryptographic key with multiple algorithms (and the easiest way to ensure this would probably be fresh session keys).
Generating a fresh session key probably also simplifies replay protection (it's the obvious time to e.g. reset counters to zero), but other approaches to replays are certainly feasible.
And obviously, forward secrecy and supporting any other types of long-term credentials than shared secrets requires automated key management of some kind.
So, I think the conclusion here needs at the very least some qualification and additional explanation.
*If* a solution not supporting forward secrecy and not supporting other types of credentials is acceptable, *and* replay protection is solved in certain way, *and* the solution can ensure that the negotiated algorithms get keys appropriate for them, *and* the solution can ensure that two algorithms don't use the same key, then you might get away with no AKM. But even then, AKM might be less work.