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Re: why i should like pibs

Thank you very much for the list.
The Connection Orient + State-full-ness between the PEP and Server may be an
important feature of COPS-PR+PIBs.  It allows the Server/PDP to allocate 
for specific services with clear delegation of responsibility.  Hope you 
see the combination
of features as an advantage also.
-- Kwok --

At 11:29 AM 3/21/02 +0100, Juergen Schoenwaelder wrote:

>I tried to incorporate Dave's feedback and here is my updated list of
>the major technical contributions of COPS-PR over SNMP:
>a) TCP transport for large transactions when the network is up and
>    running.
>b) Reduced OID overhead and less degrees of freedom to achieve the same
>    thing.
>c) Improved data definition language. (There is disagreement how much
>    improvement there really is.)
>d) State sharing and one manager assumption for a given set of instance
>    data.
>e) Some failover support built into the protocol.
>Dave, do you agree with this revised list?
>Juergen Schoenwaelder    <http://www.informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de/schoenw/>