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Re: [RRG] Tunnel fragmentation/reassembly for RRG map-and-encaps architectures

The "elephant in the room":
While LISP et al appear to solve some problems, when you look at it just the right way, the real problem is - how do you multihome, and detect, handle, and respond to failures on one of many paths available (i.e. "route around" the outage), in a scalable fashion? In BGP with PI, i.e. using BGP for multihoming, the state is carried via BGP. In LISP, the presumption is that the mapping stuff handles the state - but does that differ much from the BGP solution, other than moving the problem somewhere else? The state is still needed, and needs to be propogated in a timely fashion.
Locator reachability and routing around failures is not in the mapping  
database. Please read draft-farinacci-lisp-05.txt section 6.3 for the  
locator reachability mechanism.

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