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Re: [RRG] Mobility frequency

On 2/21/08 8:37 AM, Randall Atkinson allegedly wrote:
Their conclusion, as I recall, was that when
considering mobility one ought to be trying to use Layer-2 mobility
(e.g. radios, satellites) for smaller and high frequency movements
(e.g. movements on the scale of seconds) and using layer-3 mobility
much less frequently (e.g. movements on the scale of several minutes
or longer).
The question of how much mobility a proposal ought to support,
if any at all, seems like a good one to ponder.
IMHO routing and addressing is not the right place to deal with 
mobility, but routing and addressing must support a really good solution 
to mobility.  So it is a good idea to look at a particular approach and 
say "what kind of cool mobility tricks could I do in that environment", 
but whatever we come up with, other people will think of cool mobility 
tricks that we can't right now.
Based on history (and discussion with Lixia :-)) it is important that 
routing and addressing architecture be general, flexible and adaptable, 
and not precisely tuned to any presumed uses at this time.  For example, 
we do not know that MIPv6, or HIP, or PMIP is ever going to see serious 
deployment ... and we don't know what the next generation, being much 
cleverer than we are, will be able to do with whatever architecture we 
come up with.  I think we can safely assume that there will be a lot of 
good ideas at the session layer and higher.  Therefore we cannot put 
specific mobility requirements on our routing and addressing 
architecture.  We can, however, look at what mobility capabilities a 
particular approach *excludes* and have opinions about that.
On 2/21/08 8:53 AM, Eliot Lear allegedly wrote:
The MIP and MIPv6 people developed their solutions based on a certain set of assumptions. taking into account any number of corner cases, as well as the general case. What could another mobility solution offer / fix that MIP/MIPv6 didn't?


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