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[RRG] getting rid of longest match


After yesterday's YouTube/Pakistan Telecom debacle, I was thinking, not for the first time, that the longest match first rule is more trouble than it's worth.
I think it would probably be possible to get rid of it, although that  
would be a it tricky. The only place you really need overlapping  
prefixes in the table is your own BGP aggregate vs internal more  
specifics. But that should be solvable.
Question for the hardware people: would this help with FIB lookups?

It would certainly end this whole deaggregation for traffic engineering business. Although if not done carefully it could mean that everything goes to maximum deaggregation at once, which wouldn't be good. The right way to do it would be to have a fixed prefix length for parts of the address space. This would work especially well in IPv6.
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