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[RRG] Traffic engineering

After reading all this talk about traffic engineering, I thought this group may be interested in the draft I'll be presenting in the IDR session:
	Title           : A BGP Inter-AS Cost Attribute
	Author(s)       : I. van Beijnum
	Filename        : draft-van-beijnum-idr-iac-00.txt
	Pages           : 6
	Date            : 2008-02-18

Although BGP implementations have extensive path selection
algorithms, in practice operators have trouble performing
satisfactory traffic engineering of incoming traffic based on BGP
attributes that are taken into account in the path selection
algorithm alone.  For this reason, many ASes deaggregate their
address range(s) into smaller blocks and announce these blocks
differently to different neighboring ASes in order to arrive at the
desired traffic flow.  This practice contributes to the growth of the
global routing table, which drives up capital expenditures for
networks engaging in inter-domain routing.  This memo introduces a
new inter-domain metric that supports finer-grained traffic
engineering than current BGP attributes, most notably, the AS path.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

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