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Re: [RRG] Which Side to Control Ingress Link Selection?


Brian Dickson wrote:
Hot-potato routing means ISP(sender) throws the traffic to the 
ISP(recipient) as soon as possible, meaning ISP(recipient) usually bears most of the 
long-haul costs. This in turn gets passed on to the recipient, in the form of the billing 
model for traffic.
I may misunderstand this statement, but to me this is true for only half 
of the path.
Once packets crossed a peering link or start to go down along 
provider->customer peering links, hot potato is not necessarily a fact.
A customer can impact the Local-pref value of the paths it advertises to 
its provider using the communities agreed upon with the provider
A customer can use prepending

A customer can use MED

If none of the above techniques are used then and only then hot potato will play a role. I pay my providers to carry my bits after all...


Brian Dickson

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