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[RRG] Re: Taxonomy: 25 questions

On Apr 1, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Robin Whittle wrote:
Short version:      Two questions which weed out the impractical
                   proposals and leave us with five potentially
                   practical map-encap proposals.

                   Then, 23 questions which lead to a
                   taxonomy within which these five sit.
                   I think the answers to these help us
                   to understand the problems and
                   potential solutions.

Here are some questions which I think provide useful insights about
the five potentially practical map-encap schemes, and some schemes
which are impractical, at least according to my criteria (10) in:

 Re: [RRG] What does incremental deployment mean - 2 questions
 2008-03-22 http://psg.com/lists/rrg/2008/msg00957.html

I think criteria such as this must be met by any scheme which would
have a hope of being deployed widely enough to significantly reduce
the routing scaling problem.

These questions should all be answerable by the developers of each
scheme without much debate.  I have answered for other proposals
where I felt confident I could give the right answer - but I may
have made mistakes.

Although many of the questions are strongly linked to outcomes such
as "deployability", "security" etc. none of them, as far as I know,
involve making value judgements about the performance of each
proposal, other than rough evaluations of mapping update time and
delay times for initial packets.
Hi Robin,

Since your subject line is "taxonomy", I'll offer a short clarification reply first, without getting into the specifics of the 25 questions.
The goal of the taxonomy draft is to explain how solutions may work.
So we gain a full understanding of the solution space.

We tried hard to avoid judgment calls (e.g. which one is "practice" or "impractical"), though we did mention (as a fact) issues like which one may require host changes, which ones tried to avoid it.
I am not sure what is the best word to describe the 25 questions here.
To my understanding, they don't seem to describe a taxonomy (maybe "evaluation" questions?)

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