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Re: [RRG] Consensus? IPv4 scaling problem must be solved directly, not by relying on migration to IPv6

On May 25, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Randall Atkinson wrote:

Earlier, Brian Carpenter wrote:
% What is relevant, IMHO, is divining whether the BGP4 system
% for IPv4 will hit a catastrophic scaling limit within a foreseeable
% timescale.
% If the answer is 'yes' we need a first-class solution for IPv4;
% if the answer is 'no' we only need a first-class solution for IPv6.
% Since my divination skills are weak, it seems safer to seek a
% first-class solution for both.

John Scudder (Juniper) had a presentation on BGP and FIB/RIB
scaling at NANOG in Toronto a year or so back (shortly after
the IAB Workshop):


His last slide (URL above) is directly on-topic and says (quote):

     We can throw hardware at FIB scaling for at least
     the next decade or so, with existing technology
        • Several big FIB boxes shipping now

     This provides time to research routing/addressing
        • Really don’t want to build Internet on a R/A
          architecture that was hacked up quick under
         deadline pressure

     BGP free core can protect core (“P”) router FIBs
       • Deployed today

If one believes that, and following Brian's logic above,
then a first-class architectural approach for only IPv6
ought to be sufficient/acceptable as a Routing RG

What do the big router implementers on this list
think about the question of when we will hit a
"catastrophic" scaling limit ?
I know little about router implementations, so no answer to the above  
However I wonder whether the question is mainly what scale can/cannot  
be implemented.
As I've heard from a few big operators, their shared issue is the  
scale limitation of their edge boxes --- they could buy a small number  
of core routers that can handle large tables, but they could not  
afford replacing hundreds or even up to thousands edge routers that  
have limited capacity.
just to add the view from another angle,

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