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Re: [RRG] What do we have consensus on?

Lixia Zhang wrote:
On May 21, 2008, at 8:28 PM, Robin Whittle wrote:

Hi Tony and Lixia,

Can you list what decisions the RRG has achieved consensus on?
Hi Robin,

instead of replying to each of your bullets below, here is what I thought where we are at this time: recall the discussions we started in April following the message on RRG process clarification:
    We need to first come to some agreement on the very highest
    level branches in the decision tree (e.g., do we do map-and-encap
    or translation or ???)

Towards the above goal, one step is to first reach a shared understanding of exactly how many branches we face at that highest level branching point.
MY personal start on high level branches (something akin to facets, and 
the aspects of each top level facet, although probably not strictly a 
faceted taxonomy)), along with some suggested terminology is in

While that document can definitely still use further clarifications, I would appreciate comments from other folks on its content before I produce -01.
Thank you,
Joel M. Halpern

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