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[RRG] Try again


Because of some unfortunate wording, my original question seems to have been lost. I'd like to try again.
Ross (& Tony) said:

If you believe this, then the issue is real and is strategic, not
tactical. We have the opportunity to Do It Right, and we should.

I believe that we have the opportunity to "Do It Right", and we  
The question I wanted to ask was:

What can we keep in the existing infrastructure and architecture and still "Do It Right"?
Or perhaps, what part of the existing infrastructure and architecture  
should we jettison because it isn't necessary and/or is wrong?
The reason I ask is that is seems to me that much of the discussion  
lately has appeared to me to be based upon widely varying base  
assumptions about what is and isn't necessary to "Do It Right".  I  
suspect it might be hard to reach consensus if this were to be the  

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