On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 09:01:00 +0100, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
see your concern, but it really is complex and I have no idea how it
could be boiled down to a paragraph.
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 08:27:55 -0500, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
This work is a continuation of multiple years of work in the multi6
WG, and I don't think that it is possible (or even makes sense to
try) to boil that knowledge and experience down into a few charter
As I said, it's clear there is a group that holds quite a bit of context. The
problem is in requiring that all participants (as well as anyone who might
evaluate the effort) also to have all that context.
A charter specifies a new effort. It needs to have a meaning explanation of
the problem and ought to have a meaningful explanation of the intended
benefit. Who is going to consume the output from the working group and why
will they want to?