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proposed workplan for Shim6

The proposed workplan for SHIM6

We have a relatively aggressive set of milestones for this effort
which will require some organizational effort to see through, while
at the same time making sure that we are looking at this in terms
of the quality of the work.

In particular the initial focus is on the August milestones of
our charter, publishing initial drafts of

  - architecture
  - protocol
  - use of cryptographic locators
  - multi-homing triggers
  - applicability statement

The good news is that we're building from where Multi6 left off,
and the document set that we can start from is:


To get things started, Kurtis and I have asked a number of folk to
take the role of lead author / editor of each of these areas, and
they have kindly agreed to do so. They are:

  - architecture of Shim6
     Geoff Huston
     initial base document: draft-huston-l3shim-arch-00.txt

  - protocol
     Erik Nordmark
     initial base document: draft-ietf-multi6-l3shim-00.txt
     (depending on scope, an additional person may be needed here)

  - use of cryptographic locators
     Marcelo Bagnulo, Jari Arkko
     initial base document: draft-ietf-multi6-hba-00.txt

  - multi-homing triggers
       Iljitsch van Beijnum
      initial base document: draft-ietf-multi6-failure-detection-00.txt

  - applicability statements
     Joe Abley
     no initial base document, although the functional description
     and architecture documents may provide initial material, and
     the app-refer draft may also be relevant here.

The current plan is:

a) to request the lead authors / editors to resubmit the multi6
   documents as shim6 wg documents in the next week (prior to the
   -00 draft cutoff for the Paris IETF meeting)

b) to proceed with a 2 hour Working Group meeting in August as

    Shim6 Working Group Agenda

    1. Agenda Bashing                        (5 minutes)

    2. Review of status and proposed work areas:

       Architecture                          (10 minutes)
          document: tbd
          Geoff Huston

       Protocol                              (15 minutes)
          document: tbd
          Erik Nordmark

       Crytpo Locators                       (15 minutes)
          document: tbd
          Marcelo Bagnulo, Jari Arkko

       Triggers                              (15 minutes)
          document: tbd
          Iljitsch van Beijnum

       Aplicability                          (15 minutes)
          document: tbd
          Joe Abley

    3. Discussion about approach             (30 minutes)

    4. Additional Items:

      - Interactions between Shim6 and MIPv6 (15 minutes)
           (no draft yet)
           Marcelo Bagnulo


  Kurtis & Geoff