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about R1bis

Hi all,

Warning: this is quite long email. I didn't expected that this was a so complex issue, but this is the best i could came up with

One of the issues that are still open is how to detect context loss and recover it.

* Issue description: (background information, skip till next bullet * if you already know what R1bis is)

So far the approach selected is to detect context loss when a packet that refers to a non-existent context is received. In other words, A detects that it has lost a context when it receives a packet referring to a context that is not available. However, in order to be able to tell that a given packet is referring to a non existent context, the packet must contain some information that indicate that a context associated to this packet is supposed to exist. This implies that data packets carrying the ULIDs in the address fields won't be useful to detect context loss, since they are regular ipv6 packets without any bits indicating that an associated context is supposed to be available at the receiver. OTOH, shim control packets and data packets carrying the shim payload header will be useful to detect context loss.

This means that the approach selected for context loss detection would work as follows: A shim enabled node will detect that it has lost a context that is still being used by the peer when it receives a shim control packet or a data packet containing the shim payload header that refer to a non existent context.

A consequence of this approach, is that before a rehoming (i.e. when locators == ULIDs) only the shim control packets will be able to detect a context loss, and assuming that the shim control traffic will be limited, it is likely that frequently context loss will remain undetected until a failure occurs (this of course depends on the traffic pattern, since if periodic probes are required for failure detection, these will also be useful for detecting context loss) However, once that the communication has been rehomed, all data packets will be useful for detecting context loss.

Now, without additional considerations, this behavior would be hardly acceptable, since context loss can only be (reasonably well) detected once that we really need it to be available. The approach proposed to complement this failure detection mechanism is a context recovery mechanism that allows the peer to rebuild the lost context.

At this point, this would work as follows:
- Regular IPv6 communication is established between A and B
- Shim context is set up
- Peer A losses the context
- a failure occurs
- packets containing the shim payload header are sent
- Upon the reception of packets, A detects that it does not have a context for incoming packet
- A informs B about the missing context
- B reestablishes the context using the context information it has available.

The question at this points is how to perform the last two points:
one option would be to define a No context error message to let A inform B about the missing context and then let B use the 4 way exchange to establish the context again. However, considering that we are in the situation that we need to use the context asap, because a failure has already occurred, it seems wise to explore the possibility of reducing the number of packets needed to reestablish the context. In particular, the possibility of using a (possibly modified) R1 packet as indication from A to B that a context has been lost.

In other words, that upon the reception of a packet referring to a non existent context, the receiver return a R1 bis packet, so that the peer can continue with the rest of the context establishment exchange (i.e. I2 and eventually R2)
The result is a 3 packet exchange instead of a 5 packet exchange.

* About R1bis

The question now is whether R1 bis can be R1 as it is defined or some modifications to the R1 packet are needed.

The considered case, we have A and B shim peers that have established a context and suppose that B has lost the context.

At this point, A sends a packet referring to the missing context and B replies with a R1: the question is whether B can properly generate a R1 packet or there is some information that B is lacking?

First of all, let's assume that any packet sent from A to B referring to the context contains information about the context tag assigned by B to identify the context. This is so, because packets that refer to the context are shim control packet or data packets containing the shim payload header. The shim payload header carries the context tag, so no problem here. The question is if all shim control packet carry the context tag. While this is not clear yet, we will assume that for the time being:

  ##  Hypothesis 1: all shim control packets and all data packets
  ##  carrying the payload header carry the respective context tag

Now, upon the reception of this packet, B detects that no context associated to this packet exists. At this point, does B has the required information to build a R1 packet?

R1 packet contains the following information:

- Responder (B) nonce
- Initiator (A) nonce
- Responder (B) validator, which generation is suggested
  in the draft to require:
     - Secret S
     - Responder (B) nonce
     - Initiator (A) assigned context tag
     - ULID pair
     - Locator pair

According to the draft the goal of the validator is that:
   the responder can verify that the validator it receives back in the
   I2 message is indeed one that 1) it computed, 2) it computed for the
   particular context, and 3) that it isn't a replayed I2 message.

So which of this information is available in B?

Clearly all the information about B is likely to be available, in particular, B knows:
- The Responder nonce
- The Secret S

OTOH, the information about A is not available, in particular:
- The Initiator nonce
- the Initiator assigned context tag (note that the context tag contained in the received packet that referred to the lost context carried the context tag assigned by B to the context, not the one assigned by A)

Besides, the packet may or may not contain the ULIDs in the address fields: in particular, if it was a data packet with the payload extension, then the address fields did not contain the ulids. If it was a control packet, B has no way to tell if the addresses contained in the address fields were the ulids or not. So, B knows the locator pair but it cannot be certain in general that it knows the ulid pair (it can only be certain in the case of the the payload header that it does not know the ulids)

Now, we know that B cannot produce a R1 packet since there is some information missing. The next question is whether the information available at B is enough to build a R1bis packet that provides the required functionality with the required level of protection.

We will first consider the information required for generating a proper validator.
B could generate a validator as the hash of the following information:
- the Secret S
- The responder (B) nonce
- the locator pair
- the context tag contained in the received packet (CTpac)

Now is this validator good enough?

As mentioned above, a validator should fulfill the following conditions:

The responder can verify that the validator it receives back in the
I2 message is indeed one that:

1) it computed,
   No problem with this one, since the secret S
   ensures that only the responder is able to
   generate this validator

2) it computed for the particular context,
   This basically means that it must be possible to determine
   to which this validator is associated, so that it results
   impossible to an attacker to generate multiple contexts
   with a single validator.
   In other words, that one validator is used to create,
   at most a single context.
   A possible approach for this would be to remember
   which validators have been issued and which of those
   have been used. However, this is not the selected
   approach, because it would require keeping track of
   generated validators, which would require generating
   state for each I1 message received, and thus opening
   the door to DoS attacks.
   The selected approach is to include information that
   identifies a single context in the input of the hash
   function that generates the validator.
   These two considerations imply that enough information
   to uniquely identify a context after that it is created must
   be included in the validator, so that once that the context
   associated to a given validator is created, it is possible
   to identify future attempts of context generation using
   the same validator.
   The question at this point is which of the available
   information will be stored once the context is created and
   which information is enough to identify a single context.
   Clearly a locator pair and any of the two context tags fulfill
   those two conditions, since they will be stored as part of the
   context state once it is created and they are enough to
   identify a single context.
   In regular R1 validators, the initiators context tag is used.
   In this case, B (the responder) does not knows A (the
   initiator) context tag, but it does know the context tag CTpac
   that B used for the lost context.
   So the options at this point are:
   -  use CTpac as the context tag assigned by B to the new context
      The difficulties with this approach are:
      - Perhaps B is already using this context tag value for
        another context. The possibility here would be that
        B issues a No context error message and that
        the context is restablished using full 4 way handshake.
      - After B replies with R1bis, B will not keep any state
        about this reply, in particular about the context tag
        So, this implies that an I2bis packet would be
        required that it informs B about the context tag that it
        should use for this context that is being created.
        Potentially, this context tag value may have been used
        by B since it issued R1bis and received I2bis . Same as
        the previous case, fall back to full 4 way handshake
   - use CTpac as the context tag assigned by A to this context
     The difficulties with this approach are:
     - A should change the context tag used for this context.
       Not big deal here, i guess.
     - Perhaps A is already using this context tag for another
       context. In this case, A simply starts a regular 4 way
       handshake to establish the context again
   I guess that the last option seems the preferred alternative...

3) that it isn't a replayed I2 message.
Since we are including the responder nonce, we can protect against I2 replayed attacks

So, a possible approach seems to use a different input for the validator of R1bis packets, which input would be:
- the Secret S
- The responder (B) nonce
- the locator pair
- the context tag contained in the received packet (CTpac)
In addition, upon the reception of this R1bis packet, node A needs to verify if the CTpac has been locally assigned for any context. If CTpac is already in use, then initiate a regular context establishment exchange, sending a regular I1 packet. If CTpac is not being used, then assign CTpac as the locally assigned context tag for this context that is being recovered, and delete it as the remotely assigned context tag, and continue sending an I2 packet. (Note that CTpac does not need to be included in R1bis, since A already knows CTpac because it is contained in the existent context state.) However, at least a flag or a new type is needed to differentiate R1 packet from R1bis packet, in order to let a to perform the different packet processing

It should be noted that this change in the validator input only affects B. This means, that only B have to know that different information was included in the validator input, so no need to inform A that a different input was used in the validator. In order to distinguish this validator type from the one used in regular R1 packets, it would be possible to include, let's say, 3 bits in the validator, to indicate the type of validator used. Node A does not need to understand the semantics of those 3 bits, but just need to be copied to the I2 packet. the responder will be able to read those 3 bits and find the proper mechanism to verify the validator.

We have now defined a new way to create a validator for a R1bis packet with the available information. In addition, regular R1 packets also carry the Initiators nonce, that it is not available when building a R1bis packet. We will next analyze alternative options to provide similar features than the ones achieved by including the initiator nonce.

In order to do that, we need first to understand what the initiator nonce is protecting from. In the draft it is stated that nonces are used to prevent replay attacks.
So, what type of replay attacks can be made in the shim scenario?

Suppose that I1 packet does not includes a initiator nonce.
In this case, an attacker could send a replayed R1 packet and the initiator would take it for a true packet, since it has no way to verify that this is a replay.
The initiator could then continue sending the I2.
If the I2 makes it to the receiver, it will be silently discarded, because the responder nonce included in the message does not match with the one included in the validator, so the result is a DoS attack, where the initiator cannot establish a shim context.

Is there other attack that the initiator nonce is preventing?

In order to provide some kind of protection to this type of attacks, it would be possible to craft some kind of initiator nonce from the information contained in the received packet that was referring to the non existent context. A possibility would be to use CTpac as initiators nonce. In this case, the attacks described above would be limited to attackers that were once on path, and that have discovered the context tag. Another option would be to use as an initiator nonce a hash of (the locator pair and CTpac). In this case, the attacker would need to find out the current locator pair, and the context tag. Probably this is good enough protection for this type of attacks.

So, the proposal would be to:

Define a new type of messages: R1bis
Define types of validator mechanisms , which are identified by the 3 most significant bits of the validator value Define an alternative validator mechanism for this message, that includes as inputs the following values:
- the Secret S
- The responder (B) nonce
- the locator pair
- the context tag contained in the received packet (CTpac)
Define that the initiator nonce used for R1bis packets is the hash of the locator pair and CTpac
Define generation and processing of the R1bis packet accordingly.
