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Re: AD review of draft-ietf-shim6-hba
Hi Jari, all,
thanks for the review...
I have some questions about the points you make in order to proceed
with the new version of the draft
se reply in-line
El 03/09/2007, a las 14:24, Jari Arkko escribió:
I have made my AD review of this document. Please
find comments below. There are a few substantial
issues, but I think they can be corrected fairly
easily. I noted also a number of editorial
issues. I will expect a new revision before we
move forward with this.
This is part 1 of my Shim6-related AD reviews.
The protocol draft is in my queue to be read next;
this will probably take a week or two. Mark will
review the failure detection draft, and I have
also asked him to handle any IPR related discussions,
should they come up during IETF Last Call. We will
wait with the Last Call until all three drafts
can proceed to it.
Here are the comments:
Ext Type: 16-bit type identifier of the Multi-Prefix Extension
IANA) (Meanwhile, the 0x12 value is recommended for trails)
A better recommendation would probably be "... the
0xFFFF value, reserved for experimental usage in [RFC 4581],
is recommended for trials before the official IANA
allocation has been granted."
I am not sure it is worth to change the value recommended for trials
at this stage, since i would expect we are close to publication.
OTOH, I guess that once IANA allocate the final value, we should
simply drop this sentence, don't you think?
Perhaps we should simply move this sentence to the IANA
considerations section and add a not "Remove prior publications",
what do you think?
Alternatively, do you want to recommend value 0x12 for the IANA,
*if* implementations have already started to use it?
P flag: Set if a public key is included in the Public Key
field of
the CGA Parameter Data Structure. Reset if a additional
bits are included in the CGA Parameter Data Structure.
This is unclear. I think you mean that instead of the public key,
some additional random bits can also appear. But the above two
conditions (if ... if ...) make it hard for the reader to know
whether the two conditions are actually always the reverse of
each other. I think they are. But I would rewrite the above as:
P flag: Set if a public key is included in the Public Key field of
the CGA Parameter Data Structure, reset otherwise.
Second, in the
case that the address being generated is an HBA-only address, a
random nonce (encoded in DER as an ASN.1 structure of the type
SubjectPublicKeyInfo) will have to be used as input instead of a
valid public key.
Which value would AlgorithmIdentifier take in the ASN.1 structure?
Is the nonce a legal value for that identifier?
good point
The bottom line is that we are including a random number that is not
a public key in a field originally reserved for a public key, so at
some point we will have a semantic problem.
I have checked RFC3280 and RFC3279 and i haven't found values
reserved for experiments or other usages that could be useful for
this (but i am not familiar with these specs, so i may be wrong)
At this point, i think it makes little sense to encode the random
number as SubjectPublicKeyInfo, since as you mention, we will need to
include an invalid AlgorithmIdentifier. I guess, it is better to
simply put the 384 random bits of the Extended Identifier directly in
the Public Key Field in the CGA PDS, than encoding them as public key
info, since it is less effort for the generation procedure and the
result is likely to b the same.
So, my suggestion is simply to remove the request to encode the
random nonce as a SubjectPublicKeyInfo, with a phrasing as follows:
Second, in the
case that the address being generated is an HBA-only address, a
random nonce will have to be used as input instead of a
valid public key.
Also in the HBA genration procedure, the following change is needed
2. Modifier generation. Generate a Modifier as a random or
pseudorandom 128-bit value. If a public key has not been
as an input, generate the Extended Modifier as a 384-bit
random or
pseudorandom value. Encode the Extended Modifier value as a RSA
key in a DER-encoded ASN.1 structure of the type
SubjectPublicKeyInfo defined in the Internet X.509 certificate
profile [4].
The last sentence needs to be removed
makes sense?
3. Concatenate from left to right the Modifier, 9 zero octets, the
encoded public key or the encoded Extended Modifier (if no
key was provided) and the Multi-Prefix Extension. Execute the
SHA-1 algorithm on the concatenation. Take the 112 leftmost
of the SHA-1 hash value. The result is Hash2.
4. Compare the 16*Sec leftmost bits of Hash2 with zero. If
they are
all zero (or if Sec=0), continue with step (5). Otherwise,
increment the modifier by one and go back to step (3).
RFC 4982 should be referenced here, as it updates the above procedure,
and the words about SHA-1 should be changed accordingly. I.e., SHA-1
is used only for some small Sec values, and other algorithms, to be
defined in the future, could be used for others.
Good point, but i think that the implication of RFC4982 is broader
than just hash2 generation, since it implies the usage of a different
hash function for the whole CGA/HBA generation process and also the
Sec protection mechanism.
I would suggest including a reference to RFC4982 in the beginning of
the HBA generation and verification procedure. Something like the
6. HBA-Set Generation
The HBA generation process is based on the CGA generation process
defined in section 4 of [2]. The goal is to require the minimum
amount of changes to the CGA generation process. It should be noted
that the following procedure is only valid for Sec values of 0, 1
and 2.
For other Sec values, RFC4982 has defined a CGA SEC registry
which will
contain the specifications used to generate CGAs. The generation
procedures defined in such specifications must be used for Sec
other than 0,1 or 2.
Similarly for the HBA verification procedure
7. HBA verification
The following procedure is only valid for Sec values of 0, 1 and 2.
For other Sec values, RFC4982 has defined a CGA SEC registry
which will
contain the specifications used to verify CGAs. The verification
procedures defined in such specifications must be used for Sec
other than 0,1 or 2.
In addition, as you mention below, the attack analysis applies only
to those sec values, so the following rephrassing is proposed (adding
last couple of sentences)
The protection against brute force attacks can be improved
the Sec parameter. A non zero Sec parameter implies that steps 3-4
of the generation process will be repeated O(2^(16*Sec)) times
(expected number of times). If we assimilate the cost of repeating
the steps 3-4 to the cost of generating the HBA address, we can
estimate the number of times that the generation is to be
repeated in
O(2^(59+16*Sec)) in the case of Sec values of 1 and 2. For other
Sec protection mechanisms will be defined by the specifications
by the CGA SEC registry defined in RFC 4982.
Finally, i guess that the 11.4. SHA-1 Dependency Considerations.
need also to be updated.
In particular, i would suggest the folllowing rephrasing:
11.4. SHA-1 Dependency Considerations.
Recent attacks to currently used hash functions have motivated a
considerable amount of concern in the Internet community. The
recommended approach [13] [14] to deal with this issue is first to
analyze the impact of these attacks on the different Internet
protocols that use hash functions and second to make sure that the
different Internet protocols that use hash functions are capable of
migrating to an alternative (more secure) hash function without a
major disruption in the Internet operation.
The aforementioned analysis for CGAs and its extensions (including
HBAs) is performed in RFC4982. The conclusion of the analysis is
the security of the protocols using CGAs and its extensions is not
affected by the recently available attacks against hash functions.
In spite of that, the CGA specification [2] was updated by RFC4982
to enable the support of alternative hash functions.
HBA sets can be generated using any prefix set. Actually, the
particularity of the HBA is that they contain information about
prefix set in the interface identifier part of the address in the
form of a hash, but no assumption about the properties of prefixes
used for the HBA generation is made. This basically means that
depending on the prefixes used for the HBA set generation, it
may or
may not be recommended to publish the resulting (HBA) addresses in
the DNS.
I am not sure how the third sentence follows from the second.
But more importantly, this seems to simplify the issues
related to DNS implications. Basically, you must be able
to tell the DNS network manager what your IP addresses
are; its not possible for the manager to configure your
DNS entries and addresses.
i see your point.
actually, this paragraph was aimed for the case where ULAs prefixes
or other form of prefixes that is not clear thy should be published
in the DNS are included in the HBA set... makes sense? do you think
we need to reword the paragraph to make it more explicit?
In addition, we can add a paragraph with you point:
something like:
In addition, it should be noted that the actual HBA values are
a result of the HBA generation procedure meaning that they cannot
be arbitrarily chosen. This has an implication with respect to
DNS management,
because the party that generates the HBA address set needs to
convey the
address information to the DNS manager, so that the addresses are
and not the other way round. The situation is similar to regular
CGA addresses and
even to the case where stateless address autoconfiguration is used.
makes sense?
In the case that both IPSec and CGA/HBA address are used
simultaneously, it is possible that two public keys are
available in
a node, one for IPSec and another one for the CGA/HBA
operation. In
this case, an improved security can be achieved by verifying
that the
keys are related somehow, (in particular if the same key is
used for
both purposes).
Yes, but please state that such verification is outside the
scope of this spec.
ok, will include the additional sentence:
The actual verification procedure is outside the scope of this
will correct.
thanks, marcelo