On 04/05/2009, at 2:10 AM, Christian Huitema wrote:
In my opinion, this discussion has shown that there would be useful workto do for a continued Shim6 working group. In particular Marcelo's proposal to evolve Shim6 as a locator-pair-providing substrate formulti-path TCP is a very good idea. One may even go a step further andprovide a similar service also for UDP-based applications.Isn't that an argument for closing SHIM6 and chartering a new group with a new mission?
But SHIM6 works at the IP level Christian, so the simultaneous use of a number of locator pairs in supporting TCP also allows UDP flows to utilize the same service. From that perspective I don't see why the delta of effort here in incorporating UDP crosses some magic threshold at this point that forces the IETF to perform a WG shuffle.