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Call for volunteers for Requirements Design Team

> Call for volunteers for Requirements Design Team
> We have had various discussion about one or more design teams.
> And we have had verbal calls for volunteers, however, it seems
> we have not yet done a call for volunteers on any mailing list.
> So lets re-start.
> We have decided that we want one "Design Team" in the TEWG. 
> The team will collect and publish an initial set of requirements
> as Internet Draft(s). These requirements will feed into TEWG, 
> CCAMP and IPO, possibly other working groups.
> This is the mission we want to give the team (Thanks Rob) is to
> collect requirements for:
>  Network Hierarchy:
>    Network hierarchy in this context refers to abstraction of
>    part of a network's topology and the routing and signaling 
>    mechanism needed to support the topological abstraction. 
>    Abstraction may be used as a mechanism to build large 
>    networks or as a technique for enforcing administrative, 
>    topological or geographic boundaries. For example, network 
>    hierarchy might be used to separate the metropolitan and 
>    long-haul regions of a network or to separate the regional
>    and backbone sections of a network.
>  Survivability Techniques
>    Survivability techniques refers to the numerous methods to 
>    restore service when a network failure occurs. A specific 
>    method may be used throughout an entire network or a per-LSP
>    basis; some of the techniques may be implemented in hardware.
>    Survivability techniques may be on a per-link basis or on a 
>    per-path basis.
> We are looking for volunteers who are OPERATORS. It is not that
> we do not like vendors but we feel that it is important to have
> people who will be useing the technology say what they think 
> are the requirements.  Everyone will get a chance to comment 
> on the drafts in the normal WG way.
> The volunteers should be willing to commit to all of this:
>    - evaluate requirements that people put forward to the DT,
>    - contribute their own requirments to the team
>    - write/contribute text to the internet draft to serve as
>      the output of th2 DT. This I-D will then go to the TE-WG
>      for WG evaluation.
> The time frame is as follows:
> - Volunteers need to respond to Scott (sob@harvard.edu) and
>   Bert (bwijnen@lucent.com) by next Friday (May 18th). 
>   Pls send an email with 
>      subjectline: Volunteer for TEWG DT
>      In body of email: 
>         explain why you qualify and how much time you can make
>         available between now and July 1st.
>   It would be good if those who think they volunteered before will
>   also send such an email, so as to make sure you are still
>   on the list of volunteers.
> - Design team selected and announced by ADs and WG chairs
>   before May 23rd.
> - Mailing list to collect input will be establised b May 23rd, 
>   Anyone can send in requirements up till June 1st. You can 
>   start to prepare your sugegstion now and make sure that you 
>   document the requirement and the motivation/justification 
>   for the requirement.
> - Design team will evaluate requirements and documents and will
>   prioritize them in a Internet Draft. 
> - Design team will publishe I-D by June 21st as input to TE-WG
> - TEWG will discuss this I-D on mailing lists and try to get 
>   consensus on the final requirements before London IETF.
> The Design Team will do a lot of discussions/evalueations via email.
> We leave it up to the DT to decide if they need conference calls
> and/or a face-to-face meeting.
> Bert and Scott