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input to the scenario design team for the analysis of solutions.

I would like to describe in a nutshell the TSP protocol that could be useful in some/many possible situations described in the scenario documents.

TSP (Tunnel setup protocol) is a control channel established between entities that need a tunnel. The control protocol enables the negociation of:
- tunnel parameters (encapsulated and encapsulating protocol IP addresses: ipv6, ipv4),
as well as other parameters:
- dns delegation info
- prefix assignment (in this case, the requesting tsp client would be a router with a network behind)
- routing peering if needed

This negociation:
- is based on authentication of parties (anonymous is also possible)
- could be used for IPv6 over IPv4, IPv6 over IPv4-nat, IPv4 over IPv6, any over any

TSP could be applied as an optional feature with another mechanism (eg: isatap with tsp document made by Fred Templin)

TSP has been implemented by many implementors and is used in production in freenet6.net. For example, freenet6.net handles many many thousands of users, and handles tunnel requests, dns delegation and prefix assignment automatically. The tsp client is included in many open source operating systems distributions.

As a user, I have a laptop that is moving over different networks: ipv4 global address, ipv4 nat address (hotels,...), ipv6-only network, dual-ip network. All these are handled by tsp for me, without any manual intervention. It gives me stability of my IPv6 prefix which is always working.

I hope that design teams will look at the documents to see if the tsp solution works for their requirements.
draft-blanchet-ngtrans-tsp-applicability-00.txt (applicability, overview)
draft-vg-ngtrans-tsp-01.txt (tsp protocol)
draft-vg-ngtrans-tsp-v6v4profile-01.txt (v6 over v4)
draft-blanchet-ngtrans-tsp-dstm-profile-01.txt (ipv4 over ipv6 with tsp)
draft-parent-blanchet-ngtrans-tsp-teredo-00.txt (ipv6 over ipv4 with nat traversal)
draft-templin-ngtrans-isatap-tsp-00.txt (isatap with tsp)
