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RE: ocean: do not boil

>> if i want my web site seen by both v4 and v6 users, then i can
>> connect it to v4 and v6 space and run dual stack.  in fact, i do
>> so today.  as v6 deploys, folk every useful site will do so.
> Asserts that if a content site wants to be seen as IPv6 that it
> is in control and can just advertise that and all IPv6-only nodes
> will be able to reach it.

yup.  and if they want to be seen on broadband tv, they have to get
broadband tv broadcast service.

> The reality is that a consumer behind an IPv4-only NAT CPE will
> need some form of IPv6-over-foo to get past the CPE.

a content site is not a 'consumer'.  they are provdng a servce.  if
they want to provide the service, they need things like mains
power, the appropriate ip service(s), etc.

> The hidden and invalid assumption in Randy's comment is that the
> IPv6 network is contiguous.

no, the assumption is that, if you are providing a service you have
the service to provide.

>> trying to make pure v4 sites/hosts communicate for arbitrary
>> services with pure v6 sites/hosts and vice verse is a nice way
>> to make the problem vastly more complicated, the solutions
>> vastly more complex, and the net much less reliable.  let's not
>> go there.
> Sounds like precluding a class of transition scenarios to me.

exactly.  hence the subject line.  let's not pay the 90% to solve
the last 10% if we really don't need to go there.  we are providing
engineering not marketing and engineering magic.
