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"always on and connected"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hesham Soliman (EAB)" <hesham.soliman@era.ericsson.se>
> => I believe continuous access is needed. a PDP
> context will be up when the device is turned
> on and remain up pretty much the whole time. 
> Some operators will configure things differently
> (e.g. if idle for x hours remove PDP context), but
> I believe people want to be "always on and connected"
> (not meant to be a mrketing stunt!). This is simply
> because once you lose your PDP context you're not
> reachable.

The DNS can help keep things connected...at least the modern DNS can...


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Other links...

      DynDNS www.dyndns.org 
      Yi www.yi.org 
      DtDNS www.dtdns.com 
      HammerNode www.hn.org 
      EyeP www.eyep.net 
      DynU www.dynu.com 
      easyDNS www.easydns.com 
      No-IP www.no-ip.com 
      dyns.cx www.dyns.cx 
      dnsQ.org www.dnsq.org 
      myIP.org www.myip.org 
      ns1.net www.ns1.net 
      ZoneEdit www.zoneedit.com 
      dyn.ee www.dyn.ee 
      NOLS www.nols.com 
      dhs.org www.dhs.org 
      YYweb.com www.yyweb.com 
      dyn.ca www.dyn.ca 
      DDNS.nu www.ddns.nu 
      miniDNS www.minidns.net 
      DynDNS.dk www.dyndns.dk 
      changeIP www.changeip.com 
      dnsArt www.dnsart.com 
      DSL Reports www.dslreports.com 
      GetmyIP.com www.getmyip.com 

