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v6ops: Thank you for this year and new energy for the next!

Hello v6ops,

the year is coming to an end and it is time to check on the results of the year, and look at the situation for the coming new year. We understand that the year has been long and the progress seems slow. Looking at the actual results of this year, it is true: The progress on the scenarios/analysis documents has been slower than anticipated, but we are really getting somewhere:

1) 3GPP scenarios were approved during this year, and the analysis document is about done. We hope that the Juha would have still the stamina to publish the new version of the I-D so we can get it to the IESG. Juha can you get it out by mid-January?
2) Unmanaged networks scenarios are waiting already in the RFC Editor's queue and the analysis document can be last called as soon as they are published. Hopefully, Christian has not lost all his hope and still helps us finish this.
3) Enterprise scenarios doc is a WG ID. This was a big milestone for the extremely difficult task. 
4) Combined ISP scenarios/analysis is also a WG document now! 
5) The IPv4 survey documents are finally at the IESG! Thank you for the great effort to everybody who contributed to the work!
6) The basic transition mechanism is almost done thanks to the efforts of Erik. Probably we can get it forward as soon as the next version is published
7) We have been expanding to new areas in IPv6 operations and are starting really some operational work. There are quite many new items as WG IDs and we are getting some results on this area!

So, for the new year, and new work. As the 3GPP and unmanaged network analysis work is getting stable it is only logical that next year we will be focusing on the solutions for these areas. This means that we would officially like to see some discussion on the solutions of this work and get some protocol proposals to fill in the gaps that the documents identify. In addition, we hope that we can get the enterprise and the ISP work to the same point as soon as possible.

Thank you everybody for the hard work in 2003 and we hope that you have still some energy left for 2004 to do the new work as well!

v6ops chairs & the AD,

Bob, Jonne, Pekka & Bert

Jonne Soininen

Tel: +358 40 527 46 34
E-mail: jonne.soininen@nokia.com