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transmech implementation & interoperability

Hello all,

(co-chair hat on)

Even though we cannot go to Draft Standard directly, due to the number
of changes, we'd like to start preparing for that even now.

To further that end, I've submitted an individual I-D on a possible 
implementation/interoperability template.  It's available at:


I have been extremely attentive to the specification details in the 
template.  This should also provide a checklist for an implementation, 
collecting all the features specified in the document.

Writing this has also helped a lot in being able to eliminate internal
inconsistencies and the requirements in the transmech update, so I'd 
expect it would be very interesting to read to also non-implementers.

Feedback would be appreciated, also on the template, and if you have 
thoughts on the procedure to use to eventually move the document to 
Draft Standard.
