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Re: WG Last Call: draft-ietf-v6ops-isp-scenarios-analysis-01.txt

On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 11:12:40AM +0100, Ronald van der Pol wrote:
> I was thinking about news, streaming, etc servers that are available
> to customers only. This might be implemened with ACLs, giving access
> only to traffic with source prefixes belonging to customers. If IPv6
> has "allow all" default (e.g. no ACLs), anyone can reach these services
> via IPv6 transport. Maybe this could be generalized with a recommendation:
> "each IPv4 ACL should probably have its corresponding IPv6 ACL". The
> difficult part is to keep both ACLs consistent :-)

This is another one of those generic-to-all-four-scenarios things that
should probably instead be covered in Pekka's firewalling draft?
