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3GPP UE Tunneling, Unmanaged tunnel service, etc.


As the 3GPP Analysis document has been shipped off already, and 
Unmanaged analysis is at last call, we thought it would be appropriate 
to try to start figuring out how to find out the specific solutions to 
non-"opportunistic" tunneling scenarios, such as:

 1) 3GPP UE tunneling (between the UE and the 3GPP operator's tunnel 

 2) Unmanaged tunnel broker / tunnel service (between a host or router
    at the unmanaged site, and the ISP of the customer (or possibly 
    some other ISP)), and maybe

 3) Some tunneling inside an Enterprise (this does not seem to be 
    clear yet)

Main proposals appear to be ISATAP, STEP and TSP.

We're soliciting input on how to best handle this situation.  Please 
send feedback to the chairs or on the list.  Tentatively, we're 
scheduling 20-30 minutes for discussion in Seoul, but how productive 
such discussion would be would depend on the framing and the contents 
of presentations and/or discussion.

Please send your ideas (if any).

  Pekka & Jonne