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Re: Proposal for shutdown of ip6.int?

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   To give the people in 6bone some time to create a
   ip6.arpa version of their zone by doing some mv's and
   reloading their nameserver and to, not forget, let
   the operators of e.f.f.3.ip6.arpa create the delegations
   to the pTLA's, which are going per 6/6/6 and let IANA
   have some time to actually delegate the tree a date
   should be picked somewhat over a year in the future.
   I propose 6/6/2005 as a nice cutoff date for ip6.int.
=> IMHO it will take more time to forget ip6.int than to move
all 6bone nodes to RIR allocated stuff. So if we need easy to
remember dates I think that 6/7/2008 is better.

   This should give enough time to let above things happen.
   People not updating in this timeframe, won't update anyways.
=> 5 year old is not very old for a box...

   PS: Yes, I am still using 6bone space myself.
=> me too (:-)!

