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Guide to map v4 addresses into v6 address space

Hi all, 

when deploying IPv6 in a network the need arises to assign 
prefixes to present and future subnets and to split up the 
16 bit of the users routing space in a hopefully systematic

While there are several ways to do so, one of them is to 
map the already used IPv4 adresses and subnets to IPv6 
subnets. This will most probably happen in an environment
where IPv6 functionality is added to a well deployed IPv4 

We present a systematic method to map IPv4 addresses to IPv6
which will help adminstrators to do so and to decide if this 
method is a viable option for their needs and for their network.

We'd love to get some feedback on this. Please find the summary and
a link to the I-D below.

So long,


	Title		: Guide to Mapping IPv4 to IPv6 Subnets
	Author(s)	: C. Schild, C. Strauf
	Filename	: draft-schild-v6ops-guide-v4mapping-00.txt
	Pages		: 20
	Date		: 2004-1-29
This document is intended to be a guide for network administrators of
enterprise sized sites that employ the Internet Protocol Version 4
(IPv4) and who would like to introduce the Internet Protocol Version
6 (IPv6) dual-stack. It applies to scenarios where IPv4 subnets must
be mapped to IPv6 subnets for management purposes while keeping the
option to create IPv6 subnets in parallel and independently in the
future with almost no restrictions; it is not meant to be applied to
scenarios where a native IPv6 address plan can be created easily and
without the need to map IPv4 subnets.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN  Christian Schild
A DFN project                   Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster
http://www.join.uni-muenster.de Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung
Team: join@uni-muenster.de      Roentgenstrasse 9-13
Priv: schild@uni-muenster.de    D-48149 Muenster / Germany
GPG-/PGP-Key-ID: 6EBFA081       Fon: +49 251 83 31638, fax: +49 251 83 31653