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Re: Opportunistic Tunneling

> I think there is a distinction.  There seems to be a lot of difference 
> between:
> 1) the vendor pushing an updated (free) product to its customers,
> "forcing it down their throat for their own best", which requires IPv6
> connectivity, and

Do you have an example where enabling this would be a desirable thing?
The examples I can come up with have big brother connotations 
hence I don't see why we need to solve this problem. 

Applications and services can drive IPv6 deployment but it requires
that the applications/services are interesting to the users.
If they are not, why should we piggyback "forcing IPv6 down the user's throat"
on somebody elses desire to "force XYZ down the user's throat"?
That doesn't seem to be in the benefit of the users that IPv6 is
intended to serve.
