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Re: focussing energies

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 09:44:04AM -0800, Alain Durand wrote:
>> So, what to get from these latest discussion?
>> My 0.02$:
>> a) the best model is to get ISPs to deploy IPv6 to their customer. No 
>> transition mechanism is better
>> than anything else. Most ISPs won't do it unless there is strong 
>> motivation:
>> - political mandate to do so
>> - political incentive (like tax break)
>> - customer asking for it
>> The first two are outside the realm of IETF. The last one will only be 
>> driven by the new applications
>> requiring/working better with IPv6. Nothing here that this wg can do 
>> about.

	Agree, although I would say something more like "IPv6
	will reach wide-scale deployment if and when there is a
	revenue stream with margin supporting that deployment"
	(however that comes about). 
>> b) assisted tunneling works best in the scenario of an ISP willing to 
>> offer IPv6 service
>> but not ready yet to pay to deploy native service. Those mechanisms, 
>> like tunnel broker,
>> not only provide IPv6 connectivity to the user, but also to help the 
>> ISP to jump start
>> IPv6 service to its customers at low cost. This is an area where 
>> standardization from
>> this wg could help a lot.

	So here's a question: Who is deploying "auto-tunneling"
	(of any kind, really) at any scale? For the moment assume
	that the "auto-tunneling" technique requires resources in
	the SP's network. 
