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Re: v6 deployment in general [Re: tunnel broker deployment [RE: Tunneling scenarios and mechanisms evaluation]]

On Mar 15, 2004, at 10:07 AM, Pekka Savola wrote:
It might not hurt, but the applications and the systems must IMHO be
designed to deal with the situation that when they (re)start, the
address might be different. I.e., the lifetime of the address does not
*necessarily* have to be longer than the lifetime of the application

The "application" may be more complex than just one process. Stable addresses across reboot may be necessary. I want to be able to build apps that take advantage of the large IPv6 address space and consider that addresses are stable.

On the other hand, as long as John Doe's home PC stays powered on and
connected to the Internet, his address should stay stable.

I suppose that you are aware of ISPs that change DHCPv4 allocated
addresses every 24 hours...
If John Doe's computer build its v6 address form those volatile v4 addresses,
its v6 address will also change very 24 hours, and this even though John Doe
has not rebooted his PC. Not good.

- Alain.