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RE: focussing energies

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EricLKlein wrote:

> From: "Brian E Carpenter" <brc@zurich.ibm.com>
> > The EU has certainly not mandated any such thing. They burnt their fingers
> > badly with OSI mandates 15 years ago, and are unlikely to repeat that
> > mistake. There is substantial EU support for IPv6 deployment, but that
> > is far from being a mandate.
> >
> >   Brian
> Correct, they have initiated the eEurope 2005 program that is 
> "recommends" deployment by 2005, with each country forming their own plan. 
> It looks like the UK and France are pushing to be first with several others
> in close second (only Italy seems to be without a plan).

FYI and OT: even The Netherlands seems to be without a plan.
Or to be precise the dutch _goverment_ seems to be without a plan.
They noticed that there was this big bucket full of money and
suddenly they are hiring stupid 'consultants' who 'know IPv6'
and let them write reports why the businesses should start
doing IPv6. The fun part here is that IPv6 has been around
in the ISP world for quite some time already in the Netherlands
taking quite a big lead actually in comparison to some of
the bigger countries. I would even go so far as trying to say
that the Netherlands has a global top 10 listing of well
connected IPv6 countries.

But this is the IETF and not a political list ;)


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook
Comment: Jeroen Massar / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/
