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Re: Re :automatic tunnel mechanism selection [Re: tunnel broker deployment [RE: Tunneling scenarios and mechanisms evaluation]

On Mar 15, 2004, at 12:12 PM, PARK SOO HONG wrote:

not sure these draft are related to this thread since I didn't follow up this issue.

Thank you for sharing those draft.


The idea of using DHCP from the ISP to the CPE of the user to indicate
a tunnel endpoint which act as tunnel server is interesting.
However, I do not understand why you add a netmask to it.
Also, sending more than one IP address for tunnel endpoint seems
to add complexity for little gain, so I would favor a simpler version
that advertise only one endpoint.


This one makes me more perplex...
This seems to me like a routing protocol that does not want to say its name.
It somehow says: to reach IPv6 destination X, tunnel to Ipv6 destination Y
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this... Why doing routing with an IPv6 in Ipv6 encapsulation?

btw, is it a DHC document or an individual submission?

- Alain.