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Re :Re: Re :automatic tunnel mechanism selection [Re: tunnel broker deployment [RE: Tunneling scenarios and mechanisms evaluation]

Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle

> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-daniel-dhc-ipv6in4-opt-01.txt

The idea of using DHCP from the ISP to the CPE of the user to indicate
a tunnel endpoint which act as tunnel server is interesting.
However, I do not understand why you add a netmask to it.
Also, sending more than one IP address for tunnel endpoint seems
to add complexity for little gain, so I would favor a simpler version
that advertise only one endpoint.


Daniel> Yes, and I already received this point, so revised draft will be available soon


> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-ctep-opt 
> -00.txt

This one makes me more perplex...
This seems to me like a routing protocol that does not want to say its  
It somehow says: to reach IPv6 destination X, tunnel to Ipv6  
destination Y
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this... Why doing routing with  
an IPv6 in Ipv6 encapsulation?



Daniel> This discussion happened at this dhc meeting too. So I am trying

to clarify this point with a revised draft soon... hope this helps


btw,  is it a DHC document or an individual submission?


Sure, it's a dhc work item so far...


    - Alain.



Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park)

Mobile Platform Laboratory. SAMSUNG Electronics