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Re: WG Last Call: draft-ietf-v6ops-application-transition-01.txt(fwd)

Thanks, Pekka.

I agree on all of your edits and suggestions.

At this time, I'm preparing the revision (-02) of this draft.
After publication (-02), I think this document
will be ready to go to the IESG.


Pekka Savola wrote:

> Hi,
> Below are my presonal comments/final edits to the the WG last call of
> the application transition document.
> semi-editorial/substantial
> --------------------------
>     necessary. However, these wrapper applications will actually
>      probably have to do more than just perform a DNS lookup or figure
>      out the literal IP address given.  Thus, they may get complex, and
> ==> remove "probably" because this is a fact. :)
>      There is an another consideration on IPv6 address literals in SMTP
>      commands [RFC 2821], i.e., [IPv6: 2001:db8::1].
> ==> reword to better flesh this out, e.g.:
>      One should note that some applications may also represent IPv6 address
>      literals differently; for example, SMTP [RFC 2821] uses
>      [IPv6:2001:db8::1].
> ...
>      When selecting the destination address, applications usually ask a
>      resolver for the destination IP address. The resolver returns a set
>      of valid IP addresses from a hostname. Unless applications have a
>      specific reason to select any particular destination address, they
>      should just try each element in the list until the communication
>      succeeds.
> ==> it seems that 5.4.1 does not mention the case of app selecting source
> address at all.  Add a new paragraph like:
>      In some cases, the application may need to specify its source
>      address.  Then the destination address selection process picks the best
>      destination for the source address (instead of picking the best source
>      address for the chosen destination address).  Note that there may
>      be an increase in complexity for IP-version independent applications
>      which have to specify the source address (especially for client
>      applications; fortunately, specifying the source address is not
>      typically required), if it is not yet known which protocol will be used
>      for communication.
> ...
>      FIXME: Application framing has relations e.g. with Path MTU
>      Discovery and application design which need to be analyzed better.
> ==> apparently in application layer framing, some considerations are still
> TBD.  Flesh these out a bit, by replacing the paragraph with like:
>      Note that the most optimal ALF depends on dynamic factors such
>      as Path MTU or whether IPv4 or IPv6 is being used (due to different
>      header sizes, possible IPv6-in-IPv4 tunneling overhead, etc.).
>      These have to be taken into consideration when implementing
>      application framing.
> ...
>      When possible, applications should store names, such as FQDNs,
>      instead of storing addresses.
> ==> make this more generic, e.g. by rewording to:
>      When possible, applications should store names such as FQDNs,
>      or other protocol-independent identities instead of storing
>      addresses.
> ...
>      Another problem is/has been that IPv6 multicast does not yet have a
>      standardized mechanism for traditional Any Source Multicast for
>      Interdomain multicast.
> ==> this is no longer quite true (and wouldn't be a good way to state
> this in an RFC in any case), so reword slightly:
>      Another problem has been that IPv6 multicast in Interdomain using
>      the traditional Any Source Multicast has not been possible.
> ...
>      IPv4 and IPv6, but it is likely that PIM-SSM will become more
>      widely deployed in IPv6 due to its simpler architecture.
> ==> s/likely/possible/ -- it's difficult to predict the future! :)
>      Both are from the basic socket extensions for IPv6. Since these
>      functions are not protocol independent, we should write code for
>      the different address families.
>      A more detailed examples are described in appendix A.
>      Note that inet_ntop()/inet_pton() lose the scope identifier (if
>      used e.g. with link-local addresses) in the conversions, contrary
>      to the getaddrinfo()/getnameinfo() functions.
> ==> As we want to achieve protocol-independence it's IMHO bad practice to
> not be clear what's the recommendation.  I would:
>  1) describe the first paragraph above better, and possibly also
>  2) move the examples using getaddrinfo/getnameinfo from appendix A here.
> Below is my suggestion for the text if we're doing that:
> ======
> 6.2.3 Binary/presentation format conversion
>      In addition, we should consider the binary and presentation address
>      format conversion APIs.  The following functions convert network
>      address structure in its presentation address format and vice
>      versa:
>        inet_ntop()
>        inet_pton()
>      Both are from the basic socket extensions for IPv6. However, these
>      conversion functions are protocol-dependent; instead it is better to
>      use getnameinfo()/getaddrinfo() as follows (inet_pton and inet_ntop
>      equivalents are described in Appendix A).
>      Conversion from network address structure to presentation format
>      can be written:
>       struct sockaddr_storage ss;
>       char addrStr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
>       char servStr[NI_MAXSERV];
>       int error;
>       /* fill ss structure */
>       error = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&ss, sizeof(ss),
>                           addrStr, sizeof(addrStr),
>                           servStr, sizeof(servStr),
>                           NI_NUMERICHOST);
>      Conversions from presentation format to network address structure
>      can be written as follows:
>       struct addrinfo hints, *res;
>       char addrStr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
>       int error;
>       /* fill addrStr buffer */
>       memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
>       hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
>       error = getaddrinfo(addrStr, NULL, &hints, &res);
>       if (error != 0) {
>           /* handle getaddrinfo error */
>       }
>       /* res->ai_addr contains the network address structure */
>       /* ... */
>       freeaddrinfo(res);
> --- -- -- - -- -
> Appendix A. Other Binary/Presentation Format Conversions
>      Section 6.2.3 described the preferred way of performing
>      binary/presentation format conversions; these can also be
>      done using inet_pton() and inet_ntop() by writing
>      protocol-dependent code.  This is not recommended, but provided
>      here for reference and comparison.
>      Note that inet_ntop()/inet_pton() lose the scope identifier (if
>      used e.g. with link-local addresses) in the conversions, contrary
>      to the getaddrinfo()/getnameinfo() functions.
> A.1 Binary to Presentation Using inet_ntop()
> [[ text from A.1 up until "buffer length." ]]
> A.2 Presentation to Binary Using inet_pton()
> [[ similar ]]
> ======
>      Note: in the following examples, the socket() return value error
>      handling could be simplied by substituting special checking of
>      specific error numbers by always continuing on with the socket
>      loop.  Whether this is a better idea should be considered in more
>      detail.
> ==> remote the "Whether" -sentence.
> 8. Security considerations
>      A number of transition mechananisms define ways of constructing
>      IPv6 adddresses using IPv4 addresses. There are a number of kinds
>      of IPv4 addresses that require careful treatment due to know
>      security issues [TRANSEC].
> ==> this paragraph seems irrelevant to the application transition, so
> remove (also the reference).  Instead, add something like:
>      There are a number of security considerations with IPv6 transition
>      but those are outside the scope of this memo.
>      To ensure the availability and robustness of the service even when
>      transitioning to IPv6, this memo described a number of ways to
>      make applications more resistant to failures by cycling through
>      addresses until a working one is found.  Doing this properly is
>      critical to avoid unavailability and loss of service.
> ...
>      One particular point about application transition is how IPv4-
>      mapped IPv6-addresses are handled.  The use in the API can be seen
>      as both a merit (easier application transition) and as a burden
>      (difficulty in ensuring whether the use was legimate) [V6MAPPED].
>      This may have to be considered in more detail.
> ==> s/may have to/should/
> ==> s/detail/detail when designing applications/
> 9. Acknowledgements
> ==> I think it would be appropriate to acknowledge or refer to other work
> which has been made before or after starting this process; for example,
> [IP-GGF] and [AF-APP] are listed in references, but not referred in the
> body.  Those could be good candidates for mentioning here.
> editorial
> ---------
>       Case 1 : IPv4-only applications in a dual-stack node.
>                IPv6 protocol is introduced in a node, but
>                applications are not yet ported to IPv6.
> ==> s/to IPv6/to support IPv6/
> 3. Problems with IPv6 application transition
> ==> in all of the section headings, use uppercasing except for certain small
> words; like: Problems with IPv6 Application Transition
>      if a server application does not support IPv6 yet, but runs on a
>      dual-stack machine for other IPv6 services, and this is listed with
>      an AAAA record in the DNS, the client application will fail to
> ==> s/an AAAA/a AAAA/ (three different places)
> ==> s/this is/this host is/
>      In consequence, the application should request all IP addresses
>      without address family constraints and try all the records returned
>      from the DNS, in some order, until a working address is found.  In
>      particular, the application has to be able to handle all IP
>      versions returned from the DNS.
> ==> here, one should add a reference to [DNSOPV6] which was already added to
> the references; either immediately after this paragraph, or with a statement
> like "This issue is discussed in more detail in [DNSOPV6]."
>      When [BIA] or [BIS] is used, the problem described in section 3.2
>      becomes an issue --the IPv4 client in a [BIS]/[BIA] node trying to
>      connect to an IPv4 server in a dual stack system-- arises.
> ==> remove "becomes an issue" or move it to replaces "arises" at the end.
>      [BIS] or [BIA] does not work with all kinds of applications. In
> ==> s/does/do/ ?
>      As we have seen in the previous section, applications should be
>      ported to IPv6. The easiest way to port an IPv4 application is to
>      substitute the old IPv4 API references with the new IPv6 one-to-one
>      API mapping.
> ==> s/one-to-one API mapping/APIs with one-to-one mapping/
>      telnet6). This case is undesirable since maintaining two versions
>      of the same source code per application, could be a difficult task.
>      In addition, this approach would cause problems for the users when
> ==> remove "," before "could"
>      Most implementations of dual stack allow IPv6-only applications to
>      interoperate with both IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. IPv4 packets going to
>      IPv6 applications on a dual-stack node, reach their destination
>      because their addresses are mapped to IPv6 ones using IPv4-mapped
>      IPv6 addresses: the IPv6 address ::FFFF:x.y.z.w represents the IPv4
>      address x.y.z.w.
> ==> remove "," before "reach"
>  This
>      option could be useful if applications use new IPv6 features, such
>      as flowlabel.
> ==> s/flowlabel/Flow Label/
>      The first method is not recommended because of a significant amount
>      of problems associated with selecting the right applications.This
>      scenario is described in sections 3.2 and 3.3.
> ==> s/This scenario is/  These problems are/
>    regarding IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses on the wire are legitimate but
>      disabling it internally breaks one transition mechanism for server
>      apps which were originally written to bind and listen to a single
>      socket using a wildcard address. This forces the software developer
> ==> s/bind/bind()/
> ==> s/listen/listen()/
> ==> s/apps/applications/
>      could be removed. Since we have only one version of each
>      application, the source code will be typically easy to maintain and
>      to modify, and there are no problems managing which application to
>      select for which purpose.
> ==> s/purpose/communication/
>      Implementations typically by-default prefer IPv6 if the remote node
>      and application support it.  However, if IPv6 connections fail,
>      dual applications will automatically try IPv4 ones. The resolver
>      returns a list of valid addresses for the remote node and
>      applications can iterate through all, first trying IPv6 ones, until
>      connection succeeds.
> ==> s/dual applications/version-independent applications/
> ==> s/, first trying IPv6 ones,/of them/ -- that was already stated.
>      If the source code is written in a protocol-dependent way, the
>      application will suport IPv4 and IPv6 explicitly using 2 separate
> ==> s/suport/support/
>  Note that there are some differences in bind()
>      implementation, whether you can first bind to the IPv6 wildcard
>      address, and then the IPv4.
> ==> reword:
>  Note that there are some differences in bind()
>      implementation, whether you can first bind to the IPv6, and
>      then IPv4, wildcard addresses.
> ...
>      - Network information storage: IP address data structures.
>         The new structures must contain 128-bit IP addresses. The use of
>         generic address structures, which can store any address family,
>         is recommended.
>         Sometimes special addresses are hard-coded in the application
>         source; developers should pay attention to them in order to use
>         the new address format. Some of these special IP addresses are:
>         wildcard local, loopback and broadcast. IPv6 does not have
>         the broadcast addresses, so applications can use multicast
>         instead.
> ==> add new paragraph before "Sometimes" ?
> ==> s/source/source code/.
>       - Network configuration options.
>         They are used when configuring different communication models
>         for Input/Output (I/O) operations (blocking/nonblocking, I/O
>         multiplexing, etc) and should be translated to the IPv6 ones.
> ==> s/etc/etc./
>      Applications can use 1280 octets as a data length. [RFC 2460]
>      specifies an IPv6 requirement that every link in the Internet have
>      a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of 1280 octets or greater.
> ==> reword to be more fluent:
>      Applications can use 1280 octets as a data length: every IPv6
>      link must have a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of 1280 octets
>      or greater [RFC 2460].
> ...
>      - The same node can reach a destination host using different
>         IP addresses.
> ==> expand this a bit by rewording:
>      - The same node can reach a destination host using different
>         IP addresses, possibly with a different protocol version.
> ...
>      to peer systems with their own rendez-vous and discovery
> ==> remove "-".
>      These can perform hostname/address and service name/port lookups,
>      though the features can be turned off if desirable. getaddrinfo()
>      can return multiple addresses, as below:
> ==> s/get/Get/
>      As well, it is not preferred to hardcode AF-dependent knowledge
>      into the program. The construct like below should be avoided:
> ==> s/As well, it/It/
>        *  - no server at all, if getaddrinfo supports IPv6, but the
>        *    system doesn't, and socket(AF_INET6, ...) exists with an
>        *    error.
> ==> s/exists/exits/
>        *  - an IPv4 connection to the IPv4 destination,
>        *  - an IPv6 connection to an IPv6 destination,
> ==> s/the/an/
>      In a client code, when multiple addresses are returned from
>      getaddrinfo(), we should try all of them until connection succeds.
>      When a failure occurs with socket(), connect(), bind(), or some
>      other function, go on to try the next address.
> ==> s/succeds/succeeds/
> ==> s/go on/the code should go on/
>  [2893BIS]   E. Nordmark, "Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and
>              Routers," <draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-02.txt>, February 2003,
>              Work-in-progress.
> ==> move this to Informative, because it's not required reading, and could
> cause blockage as well.
> --
> Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
> Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
> Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Myung-Ki Shin |  mkshin@pec.etri.re.kr
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