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Re: Recent navel gazing - we need to stop wasting cycles on FUD

On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 10:14:14AM -0800, Tony Hain wrote:

> While manually configured tunnels may
> appear more stable, they will only scale to a point. For the period beyond
> the scale limitations of manual tunnels and full deployment of native
> services, an automated tool like 6to4 allows deployment to continue. 

Hi Tony, I think you're making very valid points.

Experience in European NRENs is that in the absence of native university
links, manual tunnels are used, rather than 6to4.   Here, the rate of
change of tunnel configuration (add/delete) is important, and I think the
DFN had the largest count at some 300 enterprise sites (which interestingly
have largely been moved to production addressing from 6bone, so there's another
lesson to be learnt in there...).   Routing also has to be configured for
any university site attaching natively anyway... then there are other
resources required such as addres space allocation/management, etc.

I agree SOHO networks where the ISP has (tens+ of) thousands of customers is a
different case.
