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RE: WG Last Call: On-link Assumption and IPv6 On by default

Onbydefault needs some minor wording changes, but is otherwise ready.
Onlinkassumption has a whining tone, and is clearly not ready. Rather than
pointing out issues, it tries to justify changing everyone's behavior to
match a particular implementation. The most it should do is recommend a
policy knob to disable the assumption.


3.3 - tunneling discussion should point out the same is true for tunneling
of IPv4, so this is really a misconfigured firewall, not an IPv6 problem

4. Applications also need to be aware that the fact that a
   dual stack destination's IPv6 address is published in the DNS does
   not necessarily imply that all services on that destination function
   over IPv6.

This is also true for IPv4. Just because www.sun.com has an IPv4 address
does not mean that the SMTP service works on that destination.

5. Section 3 should be moved to here, there is no need for a separate
discussion with a pointer.


2. discussion about workaround should point out that many users don't have
the appropriate privileges or knowledge to manually configure addresses

3.1 - so the text finds fault in address selection rules because an arguably
broken implementation decides that an empty router list means that the local
interface becomes the default router??? Rather than call the rules at fault,
the section should point out the fallacy of that implementation approach.

3.2 - establishes an exaggerated scenario then complains that the result
takes too long. The same would be true for a long list of IPv4 addresses
where the only accessible one was the last on the list. 

3.3 - is speculation about a particular implementation detail, not an
even-handed discussion about alternatives. 2 is what the default action
should be. 

3.4 - this should be moved to the security considerations section.

4. rather than change the spec, this should simply recommend that
implementations include a policy option to disable the 'on link assumption'
if desired.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf
> Of Pekka Savola
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:10 PM
> To: v6ops@ops.ietf.org
> Cc: sebastien.roy@sun.com
> Subject: WG Last Call: On-link Assumption and IPv6 On by default
> Hi all,
> This is a WG Last Call for comments on sending two documents to the
> 1) draft-ietf-v6ops-onlinkassumption-01.txt,
>    "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery On-Link Assumption Considered Harmful",
>    target category BCP.
> 2) draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-01.txt
>    "Issues with Dual Stack IPv6 on by Default",
>    target category Informational.
> Please review the documents carefully, and send your feedback to the
> list.  Please also indicate whether or not you believe that these
> documents are ready to go to the IESG.
> The last call will end in about 2 weeks, on 7th April.
> Pekka & Jonne