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comments on draft-ietf-v6ops-3gpp-analysis-09.txt


Some comments on the 3gpp analysis draft:

    Closer details for an applicable tunneling mechanism are not 
    analyzed in this document. However, a simple host-to-router 
    (automatic) tunneling mechanism may be a good fit. There is not yet 
    consensus on the right approach. Primarily, ISATAP [ISATAP] has 
    been proposed, but some issues have been raised about it, such as 
    its unnecessary features and relative complexity for a simple task 
    like this, and its inadequacy in providing security when crossing 
    administrative domains. Proposed solution alternatives have been 
    (at least) a simplified, but probably non-interoperable, version of 
    ISATAP, and STEP [STEP]. In any case, further work is needed to 
    find out the requirements for the scenario and to specify the 

This paragraph seems to conclude that STEP is the superior solution.
This stems from the STEP vs. ISATAP competition which I don't quite
understand. There is not such a big difference between simplified
host-to-router ISATAP implementations that are deployed today and the
functions specified in STEP. So to start with IMO the above paragraph
should mention the existence of these implementations and their
interoperability since it is important for mobile operators/vendors to
know that there is something they can use. Now it basically says the
opposite i.e. no interoperability and wait for further work.

The paragraph above also talks about ISATAP complexity and this does
not match the experience with the deployed base. We're talking about
supporting RA/RS over a tunnel interface and that doesn't seem like
something complex. Also there is no need for the sort of security across
administrative domains mentioned above in 3gpp networks, since it is
handled at layer 2.


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