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RE: Enterprise scenario text proposal

I have to confirm what Jim is saying. customers are asking for v6-only
native deployment with some level of v4 legacy support (i.e. tunnelling).


-- Friday, March 19, 2004 07:03:00 -0500 "Bound, Jim" <jim.bound@hp.com>
wrote/a ecrit:

> Dave,
> Will respond later traveling and cannot right this moment.  But your
> missing DSTM and you entered the analysis for enterprise scenarios and
> we do not want to go there until after the scenarios are done.  So will
> not respond to that later.  Also we have enterprises moving directly to
> IPv6 Native as a strategy as soon as possilbe using dual stack so legacy
> v4 can be supported if required.
> thanks
> /jim 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org 
>> [mailto:owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf Of Dave Thaler
>> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 7:34 PM
>> To: v6ops@ops.ietf.org
>> Subject: Enterprise scenario text proposal
>> From the minutes:
>> > Dave Thaler: As the slide says, enterprise scenarios 
>> document doesn't
>> yet
>> > give much help in what's required.  But Enterprises want v6 with
>> little
>> > overhead in any case.
>> > Jonne: not discussing enterprise today, Dave should contribute to 
>> > Enterprise work.
>> To start following up on my action item, here's text I'll 
>> propose for possible addition to the 
>> draft-savola-v6ops-tunneling-00.txt draft.
>> For now, I only consider "Scenario 1" (as defined in 
>> draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-scenarios-01.txt), which is making IPv6 
>> equivalent to IPv4.  Personally I don't consider scenario 2 
>> (supporting only a particular set of apps) as significantly 
>> unique to the enterprise scenarios and as it's not in any of 
>> the other non-enterprise scenarios, I will ignore it.  I 
>> leave scenario 3 (essentially IPv4 over native
>> IPv6) to others, as I don't have data on that scenario and 
>> it's not clear to me whether it's really enterprise specific 
>> (could this arise in 3GPP? I don't know).
>> +'s indicate proposed additions to the existing draft.
>> ---
>> 3.3 Enterprise Scenarios
>>    The only scenario which is obvious at the moment is when the
>>    enterprise wishes to deploy IPv6 without changing the gear to be
>>    dual-stack, without injecting IPv6 into existing VLANs, or without
>>    adding additional IPv6 routers in the VLANs.
>> +  There are three subcases of this scenario:
>> +
>> +  1. When the enterprise does not NAT between different parts
>> +     of the internal network.  This case is useful to separate
>> +     from case 2 merely because it is generally the common case,
>> +     where simplicity is the most highly valued.
>> +
>> +  2. When NATs exist within the enterprise network, e.g., to connect
>> +     branch offices to the corporate network.
>> +
>> +  3. When the enterprise internally uses multicast
>> applications/protocols
>> +     that they want to transition to IPv6.  Here the enterprise has 
>> +     already deployed intra-domain IPv4 multicast to support this
>> usage.
>> +     As with case 1, there are no internal NATs in this case 
>> since IPv4
>> +     multicast itself does not cross NATs.
>> + 
>> +  NAT traversal must be supported in case 2, and IPv6 
>> multicast must  
>> + be supported in case 3.
>> + 
>> +  The need for direct connectivity in all cases is strong due to two
>> +  factors: 
>> +   * the high end-to-end bandwidth requirements for enterprise 
>> +     applications, e.g., many clients accessing various servers, 
>> +     such that bottlenecks occur if all traffic must be funneled 
>> +     through one or a few tunnel endpoints;
>> +   * the use of collaborative applications, possibly including 
>> +     high-bandwidth streams such as audio/video.
>> +
>> +  Finally, most enterprise networks currently lack IPv6 
>> expertise, and  
>> + have a great need to keep costs low.  Hence simplicity and low  
>> + infrastructure costs are also required.
>> ---
>> 4.1 Scenarios Evaluation
>>                                                           +++++++++
>>                   NAT-T Direct ISP Secure Simple   Low    Multicast
>>                                                  Overhead
>>      Unman 1.1     *       *     N    -      -       -      -
>>      Unman 1.2     *       N     *   -/*     -       -      -
>>      Unman 2       *       -     *    -      *       -      -
>>      3GPP 1        N      -/*    *    -      *       *      -
>>      3GPP 2        N      -/*    *    -      *       *      -
>> +    Enterprise 1  N      -/*    *    *      *       -      -
>> +    Enterprise 2  *      -/*    *    -      *       -      -
>> +    Enterprise 3  N      -/*    *    -      *       -      *
>>    Legend: *  = MUST; -  = Nice to have; N  = No
>> +  Multicast support indicates whether the mechanism must be able  to 
>> + support multicast traffic.
>> ---
>> 4.2 Mechanisms Evaluation
>>    One should note that we are not evaluating the specific version of
>>    the specification, but rather the mechanism in a more generic sense
>>    ("which features could this mechanism easily be made to 
>> work with?").
>>      +++++
>>             NAT-T  Direct  ISP  Secure Simple   Low   Impl.  
>> Depl. Mcast
>>                                              Overhead
>>      Teredo  Y       Y      N      Y      N      N     R      Y     N
>>      ISATAP  N       Y@     Y     N/R     R      Y     Y      R?    N
>>      TSP     Y       N      Y?     Y      R      N     R      R?    Y?
>>      STEP    Y       N      Y      Y     Y/R     Y     N      N     Y?
>> +    L2TP    Y       N      Y      Y      N      N     Y      Y     Y
>> +    6to4    N       Y      N      N      Y      Y     Y      Y     N
>> +    6over4  N       Y      Y      R      Y      Y     Y      R     Y
>>      @: intra-site, no NATs in the path
>>    Legend: Y  = Yes; R  = Relatively good; N  = No
>> +  Multicast indicates whether the mechanism is able to support  
>> + multicast traffic.
>> ---
>> -Dave

Marc Blanchet
tel: +1-418-266-5533x225
http://www.freenet6.net: IPv6 connectivity