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Re: ISATAP, v6inv4 and 6to4 tunnel interworkings [RE: ISATAP vs a lter natives in 3GPP [Re: comments on draft-ietf-v6 ops-3gpp-analysis-0 9 .txt] ]


Pekka Savola wrote:

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Fred Templin wrote:

In terms of receiving packets, if we view every global IPv4 address as a
"Potential Router", then the ISATAP decapsulation checks amount to
exactly the same (optional) checks suggested for 6to4 and, again, either
interface could be used to receive the packet with no differences.

I don't think that's accurate. For example, you don't use link-locals
on top of 6to4. With ISATAP, you'd be accepting link-local traffic

from everyone.

I see your point. In the ISATAP decapsulation checks, we currently
say that we accept packets coming from any member of the Potential
Router List and (thorough error of omission, perhaps) that could
include link-locals. Seems like this should be pretty
straightforward to fix - or do you still think there is some tricky
aspect of it that I'm not seeing?

I'm not sure what you're saying:

1) modifying the reception from members of PRL list (in some fashion)

2) modifying the acceptance of link-local messages in general
2.a) for all members of PRL
2.b) for PRL members and ISATAP nodes both

I think you were proposing 2.a), but not sure? (Or 2.b?)

Disallowing link-locals could have a number of effects depending on
which of these methods it's used. E.g., it could prevent running a
routing protocol on top of the links (not sure if you'd want that). It might also be confusing to disallow it as you're typically
configuring an ISATAP link-local address as your next-hop (and you
couldn't ping the next-hop).

I.e., if the link-local address would only work as a "pseudo-address",
it would be used only as a means to specify "send to node
through isatap interface".

How would the ISATAP nodes send RS to the router, and the router send
RA to the nodes to configure the on-link prefix, btw, if this was

No; not disallow link-locals, since they are fundamental to ND over ISATAP.
The intent of the proposal was only to stop link-locals from coming from
incorrect nodes. In the current document (section 8.6), we have the following
checks for IPv4 source address verification:

      For packets received on an ISATAP interface, the IPv4 source
      address is correct if:

      -  the IPv6 source address is an ISATAP address that embeds the
         IPv4 source address in its interface identifier, or:

      -  the IPv6 source address is the address of an IPv6 neighbor on
         an ISATAP interface associated with the locator that matched
         the packet (see: section 7.2.3), or:

      -  the IPv4 source address is a member of the Potential Router
         List (see: section 9.1).

Neglecting for the moment the middlemost of the three checks, we see that
the first check accepts link local IPv6 source addresses that embed the IPv4
source address in the interface identifier. However, the third check also
accepts link local IPv6 source addresses that *do not* embed the IPv4
source address - so long as the IPv4 source address is in the Potential
Router List - and this is the part that could cause trouble.

The fix suggestion is to modify the third check in the list to exclude
packets with IPv6 link-local source addresses from the check, forcing
IPv6 link-locals to be either verified or rejected via the first check only.

In this case, however, the only
choice would be to use an ISATAP interface, since 6to4 interfaces only
encapsulate packets sent to a 2002:EXAMPLE::48 prefix.

Uh, no. 6to4 relay routers are also reachable through the 6to4 interface, right?

Well, yes - I agree with your point, and the ISATAP interface is not
the only choice. I don't believe this changes the fact that one possible
implementation alternative is to combine both the ISATAP and 6to4
functions over a single interface, however.

(I haven't gone through the thought exercise of looking through the details, but the prospect leaves me with a fuzzy bad feeling..)

Well, the good news is that this would fall under implementation details, and not anything necessary for protocol specification - right?
