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Hi Alain,

I provide some new comments in-line.

I noticed that in 7.2 you kept "simple mode", probably should be changed to "non-authenticated" to avoid confusions.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alain Durand" <Alain.Durand@Sun.COM>
To: "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ" <jordi.palet@consulintel.es>
Cc: <carlw@mcsr-labs.org>; "Florent Parent" <florent.parent@hexago.com>; <shu@kddilabs.com>; <pekkas@netcore.fi>; <alain.baudot@francetelecom.com>; "Suresh Satapati" <satapati@cisco.com>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: assisted tunneling requirement draft (fwd)

> Thank you Jordi for those valuable comments.
> See response inline.
> - Alain.
> On Mar 28, 2004, at 1:23 PM, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
> > Hi Pekka, Alain, all,
> >
> > One minor but important issue is using transition instead of migration.
> >
> > Following Pekka suggestions about our auto-discovery document to cover 
> > ISATAP, may make sense also here to reword " Although this negotiation 
> > phase can be automated, this remains fundamentally different from 
> > transition mechanisms like 6to4, teredo or isatap which do not involve 
> > any negotiation phase" ?
> It remains to be proven that there is any benefit in trying to merge 
> all tunneling proposal.
> I, for one, remain very skeptical about this idea.
> Let's apply the right tool for the right problem.

Agree, it might become too much complicate, but Pekka insisted ;-)

> > 4. The Simple Mode is a non-authenticated service, may be we can call 
> > it "Anonymous" Mode (or non-authenticated), to make it more clearer ?
> Good point.
> > 4.2 I would say "This discovery must be automatic at least within an 
> > ISP network", instead of "This discovery must be automatic within an 
> > ISP network.".
> I disagree fundamentally. This would broaden the scope of the problem 
> unnecessarily.
> Also, I'm not sure it would be good: That would transform the IPv4 ISP
> into a transit provider for the v6 ISP without him knowing it...

Well is a fact, it happens today. Anyway, I believe that adding the "at least" is not a "requirement" but opens new options. ISPs can always filter traffic (and some do).

> The focus here is about tunnels brokered by the customer ISP. I think 
> this is a much simpler problem,
> much more useful, with a simple business case behind it.
> By focusing on this problem, I think we have a better chance to be 
> successful.
> This is a fundamental assumption in the draft.

Then I believe it must be further clarified that the goal is only IN the ISP. For example in 2, replace:
      - ISP is offering IPv6 connectivity to its customers initially
      using controlled tunneling infrastructure [ISP, 5.1 Steps in
      Transitioning Customer Connection Networks]
      - ISP is offering IPv6 connectivity to ONLY to its customers initially
      using controlled tunneling infrastructure [ISP, 5.1 Steps in
      Transitioning Customer Connection Networks]

BUT, my opinion is that doing so, we are creating two streams -> two drafts, as another one could be almost the same document, but to ensure that non-ISP-own customers could be covered. Instead, the non-authenticated mode already provides a way to do that, right ?

> see also 6.7
> > 5.1 In my opinion DNS delegation is a must in this case (I mean as 
> > supported by the protocol).
> Delegate what exactly? The reverse for the /48 or other prefix length?
> To whom? an address specified by the user? to what address exactly?
> (if the user does not know yet its prefix, there is a chicken and egg 
> problem,
> unless we pass only the lower 80 bits... which I think is adding extra 
> complexity
> for little benefits.
> >
> > 5.2 Agree on 2831 as a must.
> >
> > 6.2 I don't agree with "must be able to abort immediately and display 
> > the customers a message explaining that no service is available". 
> > Instead, if there is another ISP offering the service, the customer 
> > should be informed about that, and have the possibility to use it, 
> > even if non-optimal.
> Again, the focus is about tunnels brokered by the customer ISP.
> The concern is customer wants v6, ISP does not offer native yet but 
> tunnel,
> the user configures the tunnel and 6 month later, the ISP now offers 
> native,
> but the customer does not know and keep using the tunnel.
> Maybe I should clarify this.
> >
> > 6.5 In "A client MAY choose not to send those messages (for example on 
> > ISDN type links), but should then expect that the tunnel may be ...", 
> > I would use "... (specially for any kind of links were the users is 
> > billed by traffic) ...". This is considering GPRS and 3G networks more 
> > than ISDN/PSTN links. One option could be to allow configuring the 
> > periodicity of the keep alive messages.
> For ISDN, the concern is not the traffic generated (very small), but 
> the fact that the line will have
> to be kept up active and the user will be billed by the minute.
> > 6.7 Is lawful interception here to be also supported ?
> As the focus is tunnels brokered by the customer ISP, this aspect
> is, I think, already covered.
> > 7.1 I will say "TSP or other existing TB implementations".
> Good point.
> > May be a 7.3 to mention ISATAP, same as for TSP and Teredo ?
> Ok, tell me, why Isatap? I don't understand how it applies here?
> > I think we need to ensure that users with dynamic IPv4 address can use 
> > the service in both modes, but this can be added in a future version.
> no, we have to do it now! It is covered in the simple mode by 4.3, we 
> just forgot to mention in in section 5.
> Thanks for catching this.
> > Not sure if best name is "assisted tunneling" or "automatic tunneling 
> > set-up" ?
> It is not really automatic... there is a protocol to help an 
> implementation configuring
> the tunnels. by I'm not hung up on names. I'll go with whatever the wg 
> would like.

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