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Re: Scenarios analysis documents: BCP vs Informational?

> Hi,
> (co-chair hat on)
> During the IESG review of the 3GPP analysis document there was a 
> comment wondering its intended BCP category:
> =====
>   The scope of this Best Current Practices document is to analyze and 
>   solve the possible transition scenarios in the 3GPP defined GPRS 
>   network
> Scenarios aren't things you *solve*; they are things you *describe*. I
> would see no objection to this as an Informational, but I think it
> (and its future companion documents from v6ops) are hardly BCPs. There
> is surely no current practice on which to base the assertion that this
> draft describes the Best.
> =====
> The initial plan (which never had much justification) had been to
> publish the Scenarios documents as Informational, and analysis
> documents (describing the best understanding of the recommended
> deployment approaches) as BCP(s).
> As far as I can understand, the reason why BCP seems inappropriate is 
> because the documents might not be for example:
>  1) not clearly describing _current_ practice (i.e., when there has 
>     not yet been sufficient deployment, but only analysis), or
>  2) not clearly describing _best_ practice (i.e., if the document is 
>     not sufficiently detailed to pick among the alternatives, etc.)
> On the other hand, BCP would seem appropriate if the description is
> detailed enough, and/or current enough so that we can justify that it
> is actually already both a _current_ and _best_ practice.  In a way,
> BCP also sends a stronger message to the community on the
> recommendations (whether that is relevant or necessary is another
> question).
> Now, as there can be arguments for both ways, it would be useful to
> see if there are preferences about this in the WG:
>  a) continue with BCP category,
>  b) publish 3GPP analysis as Informational and consider the rest in 
>     case-by-case basis (whether Info or BCP).  Some other analysis 
>     documents may or may not fall better under the BCP category, or
>  c) publish 3GPP analysis as Informational; take the rest to 
>     informational as well.
> Opinions?  a), b), or c)?
> (co-chair hat off)

	I just reread the document, and would say that option c
	seems most reasonable. 
