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Re: FW: Comment on RFC 3750

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Bound, Jim wrote:
> We did discuss this with uman and I stated that but here is the input.
> Do we care?

I don't even understand the mail.. inline..

My hunch is that we already have this case covered, but the user is
just confused.  It seems to be apparent, however, that in many cases
like this, setting up the wireless access router to work as bridge
between internal interfaces would simplify the users set-up
considerably and avoid unnecessary NATting..

> > I have a DLINK wireless access router at home. It is configured and 
> > functions principly as the model describes except.... the router has 
> > four 10/100 ethernet interfaces besides the 802.11G. Should not each 
> > wireless channel (SSID) be it's own subnet. Each router can handle I 
> > believe 10 SSIDS? IN addition, the
> > 802.3 interfaces should their own subnet also. 

The number of subnets per SSID is irrelevant here because the router
has only one wireless interface and uses only one SSID.

On the other hand, the wireless access routers typically can either be 
set to bridge between interfaces or route between them.  The former is 
simpler, and would work nicely with the below; this case is mentioned 
in RFC3750.  The latter appears to be what the user is trying to do..
One possible other wacky mode is "NAT everything -routing", where you 
don't bridge, but the wireless router NATs every inside interface to 
the outside interface..

> > Im trying to set up a peer-to-peer gaming system with two or three 
> > PCs... a laptop with wireless and a desktop with wire.
> > They can't communicate ....
> > the DLINK router only routes out and it can only be configured with a 
> > single default gateway IP address. Isn't this an important function? 

This is irrelevant, as you wouldn't want to have multiple default 
gateways in this case in any case.  What you want to do is be able to 
set a different subnet prefix for each subnet.

> > Shouldn't these routers be capable of supporting multiple subnets on 
> > wired and wireless interfaces so all ports can interact for 
> > peer-to-peer gaming, client-server, and server-server communications. 

Yes, that should probably be supported.  Maybe misconfiguration of the

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings