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Re: REVIEW NEEDED: draft-durand-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt

On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 16:34, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
> Hi Florent,
> I believe that asking the customer to do so is, in the majority of the
> cases too much. While doing it automatically is very simple and the
> extra work on the client side implementation pays for the value added.
> In the worst case it should be an implementation issue (so a SHOULD
> ?), and the market will decide with product is best ;-)

Florent mentioned that user-side-configuration is optional, that is
why he mentioned the 'wildcard encapsulation'.

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Florent Parent" <Florent.Parent@hexago.com>
> > I think we should keep this simple (no ip-proto 41 fowarding detection). 
> > Instead, the end-user can optionally select how the tunnel is established:
> > 
> > By default, client requests a "wildcard" encapsulation (NAT detection 
> > enabled):
> > - If no-NAT, proto 41 is used
> > - If NAT, IPv6 over UDP is used
> > 
> > The client can also be configured to request a specific encapsulation (NAT 
> > detection is off):
> > - If the user knows that its NAT supports proto41 forwarding, then request 
> > proto 41 tunneling.
> > - The client can also request IPv6 in UDP tunneling, no matter in which 
> > environment it is. This may be the case where the overhead is considered 
> > insignificant

To rephrase:

The configuration protocol can easily see if it is a NAT or not.

Clients MAY request ANY, UDP or Proto-41 as encaps.

When the encaps is ANY the client sends the IP it think it has globally
to the configuration server, which compares it with the actual
connection origin, different -> NAT -> use UDP. Otherwise it can safely
assume proto-41.


Clients MAY also check if they have an RFC1918 address, they then also
know that they are behind a NAT.


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